
Showing posts from August, 2011


The concept of predestination I’m sure has perplexed people for years and will continue to do so for many more to come. Biblically what does it mean to be predestined by God, to be conformed into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29 )? Predestination in the bible is the Greek term proorizō. The term means to choose beforehand, to foreordain, to predetermine ones destiny. To get a better understanding of predestination, let’s examine the scriptures to gain more insight into this wonderful concept. The apostle Paul in the book of Romans 8:29-30 said this, “For whom he foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he predestined, these he called, whom he called these also justified and whom he justified these He also glorified." These are all past tense verbs. Our salvation is secured in the mind of the Lord. What Paul is describing here is the doctr


Demons are real but I'm not presenting their origins as dogma. I’m sharing this article for those that can receive it and for the reader’s consideration. Because of the subject matter there is more conjecture and supposition in this article than any of the previous ones in the blog. As always be like the noble Bereans and search the scriptures daily to prove whether those things are so (Luke 17:11). How long demons have been around it’s hard to tell. Many believe the fallen angels have transformed into demons in the rebellion before the dawn of time (Isaiah 14) so the terms fallen angels and demons are used interchangeably. While it’s possible it occurred this way, scripture is silent on the matter so we can’t be one hundred percent certain. The Hebrew term for demon is* śē d. The Greek terms are dáimōn and diabolos. The terms simply mean evil spirits. Demons are also called devils in scripture. They’re evil spirits that belong to the kingdom of satan. These creatures are


Question, why would Jesus when teaching the disciples to pray in Matthew 6:13 say, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”. From the wording of the text it appears the Lord tempts us. James 1:13 states that God does not tempt any man by evil which is true. When reading any text –especially the scripture, it’s imperative to read the narrative in it’s context and define certain terms. The word temptation in the Greek is peirasmos which means test or trial. Some trials have a beneficial purpose and effect (James 1:12) while others are designed entice us to sin and condemnation which the devil brings to us and also that by our own lust (Luke 22:3, 40; Matthew 4;1; James 1;14). In actuality, the Lord test or tries us in the same manner he tested Abraham (Genesis 22). The reason is for the perfecting of our faith, the development of our character, for our total dependence on the Lord through the trial, and ultimately for the glory of God. The Lord does allow us to be temp