
Showing posts from April, 2014

Bible Inspiration and Inerrancy

What does the Bible means when it says it is inspired? It is not simply saying that it is encouraging which of course it is; Biblical inspiration means God through the agency of the Holy Spirit is the author of scripture. Man did not write the Bible. This is where most people will disagree and say, man did write the Bible! No, man recorded what God commanded them to write. The word of God is NOT the invention of man. Even those who recorded the scripture will attest to that. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God of may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The word inspired in the Greek language is the word theopneusto s which means God-breathed. God placed His words in the mouths of the Biblical writers so that they only recorded what the Lord commanded. Paul who wrote 2 Timothy did not take credit for what

Did Jesus die for every Sin?

Seems like a silly question? It is not and I will explain why. There are those that believe Jesus died for all sin except the sin of unbelief. If that is true then sin abounded greater than grace which is the antithesis of what Romans 5:20 says, “where sin abounded grace abounded all the more”. This passage and so many others lets us know that Jesus died for every sin we will ever commit including the sin of unbelief. Logically speaking if Jesus  didn't  die for our unbelief, then we have to 1) conclude that unbelief is not sinful. Or 2) we have to believe that Jesus died for only some of the sins of men.                       These two arguments present an interesting dilemma. If Jesus did not die for someone’s unbelief that means that none of that person’s sins has been atoned for by Jesus. What good would it do for a person to have all their sins forgiven and still die in unbelief? He (Jesus) either died for all of yours sins or none of them, no middle ground. If a

What is Bible Hermeneutics

Hermeneutics is the science of biblical interpretation. The word hermeneutics comes from the Greek word hermeneuō means to translate or interpret the message. A derivative of this word is also in Greek mythology. One of the Greek gods was named Hermes the messenger of the gods with the winged feet. In Roman mythology the god is Mercury. The DC comic book character "The Flash" was birthed through these two gods. When applying hermeneutics certain laws have to be followed in order to come to the correct meaning of the biblical text. The first method of interpretation is the literal method. The Bible is like any other book. When reading it, we are to read it literally. We should never spiritualize or allegorize any text thinking there is some hidden meaning. [1] Of course the Bible deals with symbolism that is representative of something or someone else, but by in large we are to take the Bible literally. It means what it says, and says what it means. The second