As the year closes, I wanted share some thoughts with you regarding our sins. Although never a popular topic we want to discuss, we must if we’re to identify the sin in our lives and conquer it.

How do you view your sins; a moral lapse in judgment? Perhaps just a simple mistake, “No big deal, we all get “caught up.” Or, you don’t confess your sins at all because you’re a “good person” and God knows your heart. That’s very true, God does know your heart. All the more the reason to confess your sins unto God right?

A simple definition of sin is the transgression of God’s holy law. When one reads God’s word, understand it and violate his commands, we’ve sinned against the Lord. This should grieve us to the core; especially those of us who are Christians. If one doesn’t feel bad when they’ve committed sin, there’s a couple of things going on:

1. Lack of knowledge of their sins and it’s consequences (Romans 6:23)
2. The sinners loves their sins and refuses to repent of them (John 3;19,20; 8:44)

We should be so broken over our sin that we should be like the man in Luke 18:13 who beat his breast while not even looking up to heaven and said, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” This is the humble attitude God is looking for. This is the type of person God will save.

Remember, sin is an affront to God’s holy character. He hates it and must punish it. The problem with sinful man is he believes God is unjust when he punishes them for his sins. Exactly the opposite is true. Man’s sin means he has committed crimes against God. Would we disagree a pedophile or rapist deserves to be punished for their crimes in a court of law and be condemned? Of course we would not disagree. We despise lawbreakers. How much more should God Almighty punish his enemies for their sins?

Sin tragically produces death unless one confesses and repents from them.

The big question is how? The answer is God’s word. David said in Psalm 119:11, “Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you.” The word contains power to transform us within so that we can live a holy lifestyle without. The apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes (emphasis added).

That word power in the Greek is Dumamis. This is where we get the english word dynamite.
When taught effectively the power of the word will explode in the heart of the sinner so that he’ll beat his breast in humility and conviction and cry out to the savior for mercy on his soul that he can be saved.

Jesus Christ has provided the way for mankind’s salvation (John 14:6). He paid for our sins with his substitutionary blood sacrifice.

Jesus also provided us with the knowledge of that great salvation through holy scripture.
Do not be foolish in saying you have no sin. You make God out to be a liar (which is impossible), and the truth is not in you. The sinner is actually the liar (I John 1:8-10).

No one should be so audacious that they would refuse to confess their sins unto God so they can receive the gift of all gifts; salvation–that is life eternal.
The impudence of man and his love for sin is what condemns him to a Christ-less eternity, but why go that route?

If one would simply turn to Jesus Christ today and believe in him their sins will be forgiven forever. Do not despise the sacrifice of Christ, it’s the ultimate blasphemy. You can’t receive salvation by any other name (Acts 4:12).


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