Is Jesus Christ Omniscient

There is a disturbing verse in Mark 13:32 that reads, “But of that day and that hour know no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son (italics added), but the Father.”

Now you as well as I believe Jesus Christ knows all things since he’s God manifested in the flesh correct? So why doesn’t he know the day and the hour of his return to the earth? I’ve come across some views for the reader to think about.

 1. Jesus is not God – This would be the view of non-believers and skeptics of the gospel. Looking at       the verse on the surface without further examination, would lead many to believe that this erroneous claim is true. Everything time Jesus uses the phrase, “I am”, he’s affirming his deity. He uses this phrase seven times in the gospel of John. Even the Father God calls Jesus God twice in Hebrews 1:8-9. View number one is thrown out.

2. Jesus chose not to know – Jesus in his humanity chose to reserve this knowledge to the Father alone. He recognized the Father God being greater than him in authority and rank submitted totally to the Father’s will. This is true in scripture (John 4:34; John 6:38-40).

3. Jesus willingly laid aside some of his divine attributes while on earth – We read in John 17:4-5 these words, “I have glorified thee on the earth. I have finished the work which thou has given me to do. And now, O Father, glorify (italics added) thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.”

Here we just read where Jesus while on earth, laid aside his glory, which means his splendor, praise and honor. Jesus willingly laid it aside so that he could come to earth and redeem sinful man. Jesus didn’t come to earth to be glorified, he came as a servant of the Lord, to do his will, and ultimately to die as a suffering servant (Matthew 20:28; Philippians 2:6-8).

In like manner, Jesus I believe chose, and reserved the knowledge of his return exclusively to his Father; totally submitting to his Lordship so that the Father may be all in all (I Corinthians 15:28). Jesus not knowing the day and hour of his return doesn’t diminish his omniscience, it actually amplifies it. How?

Jesus being the living Word of God, lovingly and willingly humbled himself and became like unto sinful man; being touched with the feelings of our infirmities, and also being tempted yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15), shows his love and power in a divine fashion we’ll never fully understand. For God almighty to come to this earth, wrap himself in flesh, die, raise himself from the dead, and ascend to the Father, not only amplifies his omniscience, but also his awesome power. No man ever predicted what would happen to him in such detail and have it come to pass like Jesus did. If that’s not omniscience, I do not know what is.

In short, Jesus’ power was displayed in his humility which the aforementioned demonstrates. By Jesus while on earth, not knowing the day and hour of his return when studied closely, not only heightens and confirms his omniscience, but also amplifies his extraordinary power because of what he willingly chose to set aside for us; his glory and full knowledge (yet still fully God; a mystery).  No doubt Jesus has the knowledge of his return now as he has returned to glory and is seated at the right hand of God Almighty.


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