The question was recently asked, “Since the Ten Commandments were instituted under the Mosaic Law, do they have relevance today? The answer to that question is a resounding YES!!. Here are some reasons why.

When reading the commandments or Decalogue, one must keep in mind that all of these commands have universal application for all people for all time. For example, Exodus 20:13 says, “Thou shalt not murder”. This command obviously is inclusive and man knew if he committed murder he was guilty and had sinned against the Lord no matter whether he was a Jew or Gentile. A perfect example of the violation of this command was when Cain killed Abel. This account occurred before the written Mosaic Law (Genesis 4:8). So this command once again has exclusivity. Cain knew what he had done was sin because when God asked him where Abel was, he was sarcastic and pretended not to know. So he lied (Genesis 4:9). Even a child knows when he/she has done wrong even though they don’t know the written statues of the law (Proverbs 20:11).

Another important reason why the commandments has relevance for today is because the inward witness. For in Romans chapter 2 we read in verses 14 & 15: , “for when Gentiles who do not have the law by nature do the things in the law, these although not having the law , are a law unto themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them.”

The Lord through Moses simply canonized and codified these commandments in words and emblazoned them on the hearts and minds of all so that we can obey his word and teach our children to obey. It’s also the perfect way for God to hold man accountable for his actions just in case he tried to justify his sin by saying, “there is no law saying I can’t do thus and so.” The Decalogue then becomes a mirror of instruction to us all – letting us know what we are to do and not do. The commandments although given to Israel, apply to all men. These commandments are the outward manifestation of an already existing inward reality that God has innately placed in of all mankind’s bosom. They indeed do apply to us today unlike the Levitical sacrificial system which was contemporaneous to Israel’s time and was ultimately fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross.


The commandments are a hybrid in the sense they place a vertical and a horizontal requirement upon man. The vertical is man’s responsibility toward God – i.e. Exodus 20:3-4;7. And the horizontal is man’s responsibility toward man – i.e. Exodus 20:12-17.


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