The Book of Micah - A Commentary
who was a Hebrew prophet name means, “Who is a God like You?” prophesied in the
eighth century B.C. Micah prophesied prior to the fall of the northern kingdom
of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 B.C.
Chapter 1 - God through the prophet pronounces judgment on
the northern kingdom of Israel (Samaria) vs. 6&7. Primarily he’s dealing
with the southern kingdom of Judah.
prophets laments for both nations, and says not to tell their neighbors they
hear and rejoice over nations demise, vs. 8-13. The end of the chapter deals
the prophet telling the people they need to deal with their sin by going into
deep mourning about their iniquities. This was a sign of genuine grief for sin
vs. 16.
Chapter 2 - Because
the evil rich robbed the poor, God is going to judge them by a turncoat (i.e.
enemy) to plunder them and remove their boundaries; their apportioned land will
be taken, vs 1-5. The people also listened to false prophets instead of true,
hindering God’s message, vs 6-11. The end of the prophet’s message is one of
future and final deliverance from captivity and restoration of the nation when
Messiah leads them back at his second advent. Verse twelve says they will
return with a loud noise due to the multitude of the remnant which must
indicate they’ll come back with rejoicing.