Was Jesus ever rude to His Mother?

In John 2 we read about the wedding at Cana that Jesus, his Mother, and His disciples attended. When the wine ran out Mary said to Jesus, they have no wine (vs. 3). Jesus replied to His Mother, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with me? Mine hour has not yet come.” Vs. 4.

I often wondered why Jesus would address His Mother in this way when she asked Him a simple question. Was her question out of line?  On the surface it seems His reply to her was rude and harsh, but was it?

The word hour is the Greek word Hora which simply means any period of time. In relation to Jesus, His hour is dealing with His suffering and death.

It’s obvious Mary knew that Jesus could meet her request (though she didn't know how) otherwise she would not have asked Him. Mary told the attendants do whatever Jesus tells you (vs. 5).

 Mary’s request was simply a temporal matter, to keep the party going – nothing wrong with that. But, it did not fit into Jesus’ mission.

Jesus performed His first miracle of turning the water into wine not for his Mother’s sake, but for His own, to manifest His glory (vs. 11), and so that His disciples would believe in Him; and subsequently all those who are the chosen.

Jesus was on divine assignment so it seems that is why He politely rebuked His Mother when she made the request. Any requests that did not fit in to why he was on the earth were subordinate to Him which apparently warranted the response He gave His Mother.

This exchange was not dishonoring to His Mother, because remember Jesus was His Mother’s creator, savior, Everlasting Father, her Wonderful Counselor, and her Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6,7). Although He was born of her, He was/is her God and preceded her because He is eternal. Although she was His Mother, she knew she was subordinate in the relationship. The most unique relationship in human history.  

As a matter of fact we know that Jesus loved His Mother because in Matthew 15:4, He recites Exodus 20:12, “Honor your Mother and Father.”

In John 19:26, 27 when Jesus dying on the cross in agony for His Mother’s sins commands the Apostle John to take Mary – Jesus Mother into his own home, and care for her as his own Mother. Jesus naturally knew He couldn’t care for His Mother any longer placed her in the care of one of His disciples.

Jesus was the most loving son a Mother could have. Not only did He care for her natural needs, He was dying for her eternal salvation right before her eyes! She eye witnessed the greatest love act ever performed; her son - the guiltless dying for the sins of the guilty (John 15:13).


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