What is so important about the number 2?

All of us are born naturally once of course. And, everyone of us is born dead (Eph 2:1). Spiritually dead that is due to the transferring of Adam’s original sin to the whole human race. All of us are under the wrath of God when we are born due to our first father’s transgression or sin of omission. The Bible describes what happened to us in Romans 5:12, wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for all men have sinned.

What this verse is describing is because of the sin of Adam all of his descendants; the entire human race are sinners because God has transferred or imputed Adam’s sin nature unto us therefore all have sinned for we were in Adam’s loins when he committed the sin making us all guilty.

As we fast forward  4,000 years in time to Christ, Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3,5,7). In order for us to be born a second time, we MUST go through a rebirth, a resurrection, a regeneration. This second birth of course is a spiritual birth. Jesus himself said it, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit (John 3:6). These are the two births any and all MUST have for salvation. The natural birth is through the womb of the mother, the Spiritual birth is through the begetting of the Spirit.

This process of being born of the Spirit is also what the Bible calls eternal life. No one is ever regenerated by the Holy Spirit that will not see or enter the kingdom of God. Saying it another way, if you are regenerated or made alive from spiritual death to life, you have inherited everlasting life.

The number two also has a negative side to it. For those who die in their sins; meaning they never repented of their sins, they will die twice. Once physically, and once spiritually. If one dies twice, they are eternally doomed. There is no hope for that person because they chose to deny the Father and Son. They prove they hate God and our worthy of the death that comes to them (John 15:23:Rom 1:32).

John in the book of Revelation refers to those cast into the lake of fire as those suffering the eternal judgment of the second death; that is the death that eternally separates one from God (Rev 20:14).

Jesus described the second death as an everlasting fire where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. He also called it damnation (Matt 25:41;Mark 9:44-45,48; John 5:29b).

Concluding, the number two is a 2-sided coin. Positive side declares a person who is born, and is born again from spiritual death to spiritual life which equates to eternal life. Negatively, there are those that are born, but never experience rebirth which means they will die twice, naturally and spiritually which equates to eternal  death or the second death using the language of the Bible.


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