Does God promise Eternal Security?

The idea of eternal security in Christ should provide believers with relief and it does for those of us who understand that salvation is eternal. But for some who over analyze this wonderful truth, it has become a stumbling block.

Let me explain what I mean.

I have read articles and spoken to some who believe that eternal security somehow is ultimately contingent upon man to secure it. Now if that is true, then Christ's atonement on the cross was not sufficient. For many believe it cannot be that easy - for Christ to die and someone repents and believes and they are saved eternally.

The question must be asked then. "What if someone believes in the work of Christ on the cross, but still lives the same way they did before their profession of faith?" This is an excellent question. Let's explore this.

  1. The one who made the profession of faith in Christ yet still lives as if they are unsaved most likely is still unsaved. Remember if a person is genuinely born of God's Spirit, then they are a new creation. Old things have passed away and all has become new (2 Cor 5:17-18a). We must realize a supernatural transformation has occurred in our inner man and we cannot remain the same. God dwelling on the inside of us demands that we conform into the image of Christ our Savior. The true believer who grows to understand this truth will happily submit their will to God's will. This of course is an ongoing life long process. But, it will occur in the child of God. We must choose to live a sanctified life.
  2. Our salvation is secured by God at the moment we believe so it is guaranteed to endure until the end of our lives. It will carry us into eternity. Why would God provide salvation for those whom He chose and leave it for us to actualize it? There is no eternal security if it's up to us to secure our own salvation by trying to live right. If we have to live right to keep our salvation, that is legalism, or salvation by works. We do not live right to keep our salvation, rather we live right because God has saved us. Remember what Paul said in Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God had prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (i.e. the good works). It was God's plan before creation to save those who believed in Christ for them to walk faithfully with him.
I see two extremes happening here regarding eternal security. 1) There are those that are smug and careless with this reality so they live anyway they want. Since they believe they are saved and nothing they do will ever change that status, they think it is okay to be hell-on-wheels for they are going to heaven. 2) The other group lacks faith in the completed work of Christ on the cross so they exert useless energy to make sure they secure their own salvation. For the second group lacks assurance of their salvation as presented in the Bible. Group one is cheapening the grace of God. Group two does not realize the sufficiency of God's grace to save alone without man's help. Both groups are in sin.

Those in group one are frustrating the grace of God with their irreverent behavior. Romans 6:1-2 tell us that, "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?" The obvious answer is we can't! Those that die are free from sin. Since we symbolically died with the Lord when He was crucified - that is the old man of sin was buried in the grave. When Christ raised from the dead, we were raised with Him in newness of life (Rom 6, entire chapter). Those in group one cannot be saved if they are living a habitual unrepentant life of sin. The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). Those that truly know the Lord will be smitten of guilt and will run to God for repentance and cleansing of unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
Those who name the name of Christ are to depart from iniquity (2 Tim 2:19b).  Those in this group have not exercised faith, only foolishness and presumption.

Those in group two are afraid so they are doing every "good" thing they can think of to merit the salvation God promised them when they believed. Salvation is obtained by grace through faith. It is the gift of God, not works lest any man should boast (Eph 2:8-9). We are used to working for what we want so it is a natural proclivity to attempt to do the same thing to secure our salvation. This group is attempting to have faith in their own faith, and not faith in God.

The work has been completed perfectly by Jesus Christ. We cannot add or take away from it. If we truly have salvation, we can never lose it. God is going to see to that. If we can lose it, we never had it in the first place. How can salvation be eternal if it can be lost or forfeited? If one insists on saying and I have heard this phrase, "Salvation is secure as long as you secure it!" My reply to that statement would be, at what point is your salvation secured? What or how many steps are there to securing it since for you genuinely repenting of sin and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ by faith isn't enough to save you? There is no way one can meet the requirements needed to secure their salvation apart from Christ. This mindset makes you perhaps a "Good Catholic", but a bad Christian. Once again, this is a person who lacks faith in the atonement, and ultimately in the Word of God.  This person is double minded and unstable in all their ways (James 1:8).

Eternal security rests on God not us. Salvation is God's gift to humanity. Those who obtain it will over time treat it as the most precious gift they have received because it is. But it came to us at the ultimate price - it cost the life of our Savior and the spilling of his blood. His holy sacrifice was the perfect means to redeem mankind. Christ death was the cause and our salvation is the effect. There should never be any doubt whether God's gift of eternal life could not be anything but secure - look who is securing it!

Listen to the eternal security language of the Apostle Peter, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you (italics mine), who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5). 

The Greek word for guarded is phroureo. It is a military term. It means to protect with a garrison.  In the 1 Peter context God by His omnipotent power is protecting and guarding us in Him.

Rest assured we are eternally secure in the Lord.


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