Hezekiah's Plea to the Lord

In Isaiah chapter 38 we read that King Hezekiah became very ill to the point of death. He is in the prime of his life so he humbles and prays to the Lord how he has been faithful to God, and how he has served him with his whole heart. 

God hears his prayer and sends him word through the prophet Isaiah that he will add fifteen years to his life (vs 5). Hezekiah was suffering from a painful boil. A cake of figs was made which apparently had the medicinal properties to heal Hezekiah once it was rubbed on the boil to heal him (vs 21).

Question, how did Hezekiah's life change so dramatically when it was told to him by the prophet to "put your house in order because you are going to die and not live" (vs 1)?

Simply, due to Hezekiah's prayer. It moved the hand and heart of God to act on his behalf. The text said the Lord heard Hezekiah's prayer and saw his tears (vs 5).  I am bringing this point up because of the fact that some reading this account may get the impression or simply believe that God changed his mind regarding what he decided to do regarding Hezekiah. 

No, God did not nor does he ever change his mind. Hezekiah certainly would have died of his sickness had he not prayed to God to spare his life. God also knew that Hezekiah would pray that prayer of humility to him which gave the Lord the opportunity to bless him. Both scenarios are true. Had Hezekiah not prayed he would have died. Because he did pray, God granted fifteen more years and healed him. Some look at the word Isaiah gave Hezekiah regarding him dying as an intention and not a declaration from the Lord; a divine intention God can change if one prays (as was the case of Hezekiah praying for himself), or if one intercedes, but a decree from God must be fulfilled.

This story should be of great encouragement to us as children of God. The Lord hears the prayers and sees the tears of his saints. Just like with Hezekiah, he is moved with compassion to act on our behalf. But please notice what Hezekiah prayed, "Remember now O Lord how I have walked before you in truth and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight" (vs 3).

2 Chronicles 29:2 tells us that Hezekiah did what was right in the sight of the Lord. His relationship with the Lord no doubt gave him the confidence to petition the Lord to spare his life.


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