Did God really hate Esau?

Malachi 1:2-3 it says, "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated". The Apostle Paul quotes this same passage in Romans 9:13. Why did God hate Esau? It's not that God had this seething malicious hatred toward Esau in as much that he preferred Jacob over Esau. Why? Because it served God's purpose. Keep in mind that God made the decision to choose Jacob and Esau's destinies before they were born (Rom 9:11).

It also very important to remember that God's purpose included not just the twins boys but their descendants as well. Esau was the father of the Edomites. Jacob whose name was changed to Israel in Genesis 32:28 became the father of the Israelites or Hebrews (or who we call Jews or Israelis today).

Jacob was chosen to be blessed in a way the Esau was not. Jacob was no better than his brother but was favored by God to receive benefits that Esau never received. The benefits, of course, have extended to the Hebrew race as they exist to this day. Edomites do not exist anymore. They were perpetual enemies of the Jews Their destruction was prophesied by the prophet Obadiah. The Edomites were also destroyed because of their refusal to help their relatives along with rejoicing in their demise (Num 20:20-21;Ezek 35:15).

Was God unfair in treating Jacob better than Esau? Absolutely not! Neither can lay claim to God's grace. God was exercising his sovereign elective choice to bless one son over the other. Both were sinners deserving of God's wrath. Jacob and his descendants received grace. Esau and his descendants received justice. Esau and his descendants were not treated unfairly by God.

Contrary to popular belief, God loves all people, but not equally. In the eyes of sinful humans, the realization that one person receives a benefit over another is unfair. I guess mankind will never learn that God is not subject to our definition of fairness. To believe one has the right to put the Almighty in a human tribunal and lay charges of unrighteousness against him is asinine, to say the least, and perhaps demonic at the worst. It is like Paul said in Romans 9:20, "Who are you O man to answer back to God?" In other words, who do you think you are talking to God that way? We need to watch our mouths. God has every right to treat every human being how he sees fit. He never needs our approval or disapproval to do anything regarding his creation. 

We would do well to remember that fact.


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