What if the Bible is not true?

There are many people in this world that deny the truth of God's word. There are many that believe none of it is true. There are others that choose that some accounts are true and that other accounts are not true.  So what does one believe? Just because many people believe the Bible is not true does not invalidate its truth. And just because someone believes something is true when it is not will never make it objectively true.

We have many people today making the declaration that, "Truth is relative. There is no absolute truth!" Those that make that bold unwise claim have not taken the time to consider that that is a self-refuting statement - a strawman. Let me prove what I mean. For one to say that there is no absolute truth is to deny their own statement is absolutely true. Let me explain further: To say there is no absolute truth means that one cannot say there is no absolute truth. To do so is to contradict oneself. 

Wait a minute! What? 

Alright, let me hit it again okay? To say there is no such thing as absolute truth is an absolutely true statement in the sense that the statement was uttered even though the statement itself is not true. 

Uhhh....come again?!

Still confused? I'm still not making sense? Let me break it down.

Its absolutely true the statement there is no absolute truth was made, but the statement, in essence, is a lie. Why? Because two plus two equals four right? That is an absolutely true statement without a doubt.  No one will deny that equation. Let me provide another example of the reality of a statement being true and false at the same time. In Matthew 11:19 we read, "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, behold a man glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners...

Now it is absolutely true that these accusations were hurled at Jesus, but the part about Him being a glutton and a drunk is not true at all. So truth can never be relative or subjective. Because if they can, then each person can manufacture and concoct any story they want and it would be accepted as truth. Fake news would not be fake news anymore in a truth-is-relative universe. Why? The truth would subjectively be in the eyes of the beholder.

What would be the ramifications of our world and existence if the Bible, God's Word is not true? Absolutely nothing in this world would matter. Absolutely nothing would make sense. We might as well be living in a dream world, a virtual reality like the Matrix. We would not know the difference between reality and fantasy. It would not matter anyway because nothing we experience would be true except in each individual's mind. Oh...wait a minute - If one does not exist you can never have a mind to even think! You wouldn't know if you really existed or not. Your parents would not be your parents. There wouldn't be any such things as parents. There would be no falling in love, sharing a kiss, no sunshine, no moonlight, no holding of hands, walking along the beach. No sweet music, no laughter. No awareness of right and wrong. 

You get the idea. Life, as we know it now, could never exist. 

Yet all these things do exist and so much more because the Bible is a reality and it is true! God's Word explains the meaning of our existence: Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Verse 26 of the same chapter tells us God made man in His own image. It is astounding to me how haters of God and His Word continue to attack that central truth. They rather us believe that a force called evolution caused this vast universe to come into being. Nonsense! Evil men would rather believe an impersonal force created all things instead of a personal being named God so that they do not have to answer to Him. 

An attack on the Bible is a personal attack on Almighty God Himself. He is synonymous with His written word (Psalm 138:2). So if you who are reading this article, or someone you know makes the foolish statement that the Bible is not true should read the aforementioned argument in this brief diatribe. If one believes the Bible is not absolute truth, you have proven that you are utterly deceived. The fact you are reading this article proves the Bible is true. How do I know? Simple, you exist. 

To subscribe to the "truth is relative" lie is a reasoning of deconstruction. Its a house of cards on sinking sand with the wind blowing through them. The result, it is absolutely true that sorry foundation will fall and will be blown away.


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