Lord I Believe Help My Unbelief!

There was a man who had a demon possessed son. He brought him to the disciples who could not cast the demon out. Jesus frustrated with His disciples lack of faith asked the father how long his son had been in that condition. The father replied that his son has been this way since childhood. The father requested that if Jesus could do anything, have pity on them and help the boy (Mark 9:23).

This father is completely desperate and has nowhere else to turn but to Jesus. Jesus said to him, all things are possible to them that believe. To me, the following reply by the father is one of the most honest and prolific statements in all the Bible, "Lord I believe; help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24)!

No doubt that man's faith was emboldened when he saw the demon cast out of his son. The man received two things he asked for; for his faith to be strengthed by Jesus which the Lord did when
He cast the demon out of his son. Jesus gave the man a two for one deal.


For those of us who are children of God, we have experienced doubt in the promises of God. Our faith sometimes gets weak like this man. We want to believe, but oftentimes we allow our trials to overshadow our trust in the Lord to deliver us or to make His strength perfect in our weakness in the trial. I do not know if this man is in heaven, but if he is I would love to shake his hand when I get there. Why? 1) He went to the person who he knew could help. 2) Because of his love for his son and the agony of his son's demon possession he pleaded for mercy to Jesus to help him. 3) The father knew that his faith was not strong and was willing to admit it - he had doubt in the power of God.  As a result, Jesus being the merciful God-Man that He is cast the demon out of his son (Mark 9:25). 

Now let us switch reels. I likened the above account to a parable. Everyone is in need of deliverance from the Lord. The world needs salvation. There is only one person who can deliver your soul. Just like there was only one person who could deliver that demon possessed boy, the Lord Jesus Christ. When you have a person who has complete authority of the natural world by healing the sick, and the supernatural world by casting out demons, you're dealing with someone who is omnipotent.

So, just like this man who was completely hopeless before meeting Jesus, all the world is hopeless and like that demon possessed boy until they encounter the Lord, plead for mercy for Him to save them when they believe on His name. For anyone that is sincere about their repentance, God will give them faith to believe in Him and receive eternal deliverance in salvation.


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