Proverbs Chapter Two Commentary
Chapter Two
The value of Godly wisdom is priceless.
One should be willing to sell everything to they own to obtain it. Yet that
would never be enough. So, God grants it to all. Wisdom also has to be a
diligent lifelong pursuit. Only fools reject knowledge and wisdom. That is what
Solomon is stressing to his son. In order for one to have success in every area
of life, one has to fear the Lord which is the root cause of wisdom.
Verses 1-11
Solomon is teaching
his son(s) again the value of listening to his words and obeying his commands. Insight
has to be a willing expedition. Just as a miner searches for silver and gold,
we must seek after wisdom as hidden treasure – be willing to attack whatever
obstacle is in our way to capture our goal and win the prize. One that does
that in regard to wisdom is on their way to greatness and success in life. Then
and only then will one understand the fear of the Lord and discover the
knowledge of God (vs 5). Embracing God’s
ways provides a lifetime of benefits: Protection. Everyone wants to be
safe and free from harm. Preservation which is akin to protection. Preservation
is the reality of keeping someone or something safe and secure all the time.
God does that for those that fear and obey Him.
Guarding the
paths of justice. What does that mean? It means God preserves the way of
His saints.
Verse is 10 –
Wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will delight you
Once wisdom
enters your soul, it will cause a person to take pleasure in knowledge. This
relationship has to become a love affair. You will know how to handle every
situation prudently for knowledge and understanding will be like sentries protecting
your mind.
Verse 12-22
All of the above
prevents the young man from a life of crime, violence, immorality, stupidity
and death. There is I believe a very slim chance that a man that listens to the
wisdom of his Father and Mother will live a life of sin. I did not say he would
not sin, but sin for a wise young man would not be a pathology. A person that
lives a life of sin is already a dead person walking for the wages of sin is
death (Romans 6:23). The only difference from the dead man walking vs. a dead
man not walking is that the living dead is still breathing.
Our young men
are not taught to avoid immoral women. Why? Because the more women a man can conquer
sexually, the more he is supposed to be respected by other men who brag about
their fornication. Actually, a man who abuses his body with strange women is a
whore. I do believe in a double standard. If a woman who sells her flesh or
gives her body away for free is a prostitute, then so is the man. Young men! Avoid
the adultress! She is unfaithful to her husband which makes her unfaithful to
the Lord. Her paths are unrighteous and will lead one to death and to hell.
Those that are
righteous will inherit all things good. Whereas the wicked are hastening to a quick
death. Sadly, they do not even know or care that this is their fate.