The great faith of the criminal on the cross

One of the criminals crucified with Christ to me is one of the most admirable people I have never met. Why? Because of his character. I want to take a few moments to carefully analyze his words. 1. He rebuked the other criminal for his insolence of the Lord and admitted that they were guilty and justly condemned for their crimes

When the other criminal demanded that Jesus save him because he wanted a get-out-of-jail-free-card, the contrite rightly rebuked telling him, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Rarely do we hear people taking responsibility for their sins. This shows tremendous character on the part of this justly condemned. I used the word sins on purpose because our society looks at it as an antiquated word that it would love to totally dismiss from our vocabulary forever. The problem that most do not realize is that sin is an infectious disease of the soul that most of the world will die from - not only physically, but eternally. Sin is worse than any disease that man has ever suffered and died from. Fortunately there is an only cure. Believing in what Christ did for your sins when he died on the cross - that his blood washed them away forever. 2. The criminal knew Jesus would rise from the dead

The reason why we know this is because he asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom (Luke 23:42). It would not have made any sense for him to ask Jesus about His kingdom unless He was going to rise from the dead. Dead men have no kingdoms! This was exhibiting tremendous faith by the criminal who knew he deserved to go straight to hell for his crimes. Jesus dying in agony having love and compassion for this man said, “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). What this means is that Jesus saved this man on the spot. Why? 1) He knew he deserved to die for a life of rebellion against God and man. 2) He cried for mercy from the Lord which tells the writer that He knew Christ was the only one who could forgive him which is an acknowledgement of Jesus’ power to pardon his sins. 3) This evil man believed in the power of resurrection which demonstrates his great faith - something not even the disciples believed initially when the women declared to them that Jesus was alive on the third day (Luke 24:10-11). I praise God that this account appears in scripture. We learn how all people should respond when they face the Lord Jesus Christ. The lesson comes from the most unlikeliest of sources - a condemned penitent criminal. We must defend the Lord’s honor by those who disrespect Him. Admit that we are being justly condemned for our sins. Beg for mercy from the Lord to save us and remember us when He comes in His kingdom.


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