Who are the Palestinians?

The word Palestine is the Greek form of the Hebrew word Philistine. The Philistines are ancient enemies of the Hebrews dating back to around the 12th Century B.C. The Philistines are descendants of Egypt (ancient name is Mizraim) through his son Casluhim. Egypt was a son of Ham (Genesis 10:6-14). Ham was a son of Noah (Genesis 10:1). Simon Bar Kokba led the second Jewish revolt against Rome from 132-135 AD When Emperor Hadrian defeated the Jews in 135 AD, He renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina. He built a temple dedicated to his chief deity Jupiter on the temple mount.

Hadrian also renamed the region of Judah/Judea Syria Palestina, The province of Syria in Palestine. Why did he do this? So that the name of Israel would be remembered no more (Psalm 83:4). Hadrian removed the Jews from the land and made it a Roman province. History declares that they were able to return under the Roman Emperor Constantine who supposedly converted to Christianity in 336 AD. The name Palestine has remained in the region for nearly 2,000 years.

So now one sees where the term Palestinians comes from. But who are they? To call a Jew a Palestinian is an insult. Palestinians are not an ethnic group or a race of people. Palestine actually does not exist. The words Palestine or Palestinians never appear in the Bible. Palestinians are Arab Muslims who occupy the West Bank and the Gaza Strip near the Mediterranean. The land of Israel (not Palestine) was a grant God promised to Abram (later Abraham) in Genesis 15:18. Although Israel has been removed from the land several times because of their disobedience, God promised it to them forever. They will in the future own all what was promised: from the River Egypt to the great River Euphrates.


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