Was Judas a Believer in Christ?

Judas was one of the twelve original disciples of Christ (Matthew 10:2). He is known as the betrayer. He is the one that sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15) – which at that time was the price of a slave. Judas is the prototypical person who begins with enthusiasm with following the Lord, but when their personal expectations are not met, they are disappointed, they decide it is time to bail out and join the enemy. That is exactly what Judas did.  

You see Judas ultimately did not follow Jesus because he loved Him. He was a thief and was in it for the money (John 12:6). Do we not see that same mentality today with many who are claiming to be leaders in the Church? They fleece the flock, all in the name of Jesus.  

So, the question was Judas a believer in Christ? Absolutely at some point! How do I know? Judas was an eyewitness to the teaching and miracles Jesus did for three years. He was even given power to do miracles himself along with the other eleven apostles (Matthew 10:8). So, what was his problem? Judas gave into his wicked evil nature. When Jesus revealed to all at the last supper who was to betray him when he gave Judas the morsel of bread, the Bible says Satan entered into Judas (Luke 22:3; John 13:27). 

The point of me describing Judas’ dilemma is to prove that a person can go to hell due to any unrepentant sin, and not just unbelief. Judas was a believer in Christ. So why did he go to hell? Not because of unbelief. He went to hell because he was never remorseful enough to go to Jesus in godly repentance and confess his sin of betrayal. His guilt was so great that it drove him away from the Lord instead of to Him. Judas believed, but not unto salvation. 

As I mentioned in my previous article a person doesn’t only go to hell due to unbelief. Any unrepentant sin will condemn a person to eternal destruction. For all sin is rebellion against the commands of God. This is what Revelation 21:8 says, “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable (or abominable), for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. This verse proves all sin condemns people to hell if not given over to God by trusting in Christ. 

By necessary repetition, if you’re in Christ all of your sins have been forgiven. If you die in your sins, none of them were forgiven. For you will pay for them yourself in a Godless eternity. 


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