So, Are You Homophobic? A Clarion Call To Reason
A definition of homophobic is one who has a dislike or fear of homosexuals. For years I have pondered why the homosexual lifestyle bothers and irritates me so much. As a man, it makes absolutely no sense for men to desire other men sexually-not when there are so many beautiful eligible women who are ready to give their love to a worthwhile man, the right way. I’m utterly disgusted by this fact. It is also deplorable for women to pine after one another. It never ceases to amaze me how low mankind has degenerated morally. Even the animal kingdom has sense enough to mate with the opposite sex. In Leviticus 18:22 it commands us that we are not to have same sex relationships. Many will argue that homosexuality is only mentioned in the Old Testament and not the New. I even recently saw someone say online that Jesus never talked about or condemned homosexuality. Both views are wrong. Jesus never mentioned the word directly, but Jesus clearly advocated for marriage between men and women only. ...