What Is the Gap Theory?

 The Gap Theory is the idea that between Genesis 1:1-2 there was a gap in time - some believe millions or perhaps billions of years. The reason for this idea is because of one word, the word “and." The verses read, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And verse two, and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Tragically a false theology has been built on the one-word and. Proponents of the gap theory or gappists some call them, also have said that between these verses a cataclysm happened, a flood, Lucifer's flood as a result of him being kicked out of heaven. It is also believed this is when the dinosaurs died which resulted in all the fossils. This of course is impossible because if that were true, then you have death before sin entered into the world. Bible clearly teaches death is a result of sin (Romans 5:12).Also, why would God call what He created very good if disease, bloodshed and death had already occurred (Genesis 1:4,10,18,25,31)?

Gappists because of their misconception of a fall in verse two believe the word was means became. They also hold the erroneous view that the words formless and void are there to prove a catastrophe took place. The words formless and void in Hebrew are tohu and bohu. They mean the earth was unformed and unfilled, not that it was formless and void because of some prior destruction. God was dealing with a blank canvas and in six days He created the heavens and earth (i.e., the Universe). Gappists see verse one of Genesis as the creation and verse two as a re-creation because of their misinterpretation of the words formless and void.

This is how the word breaks everything down to disprove the gap theory. First, the word and in Hebrew at the beginning of verse two is either the letter W or V so it is spelled either waw or vav. It has several meanings: ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘now’ and ‘then’. And [(KJV) (waw)] the earth was without form and void (once again these words mean unformed and unfilled). The word and is a conjunction that according to a Grammarian by the name of Gesenius[i] (1786 – 1842) is what is called a ‘waw explicative’ which means serve to explain. It’s also described as ‘waw explanatory’ meaning verse two is explaining verse one – the earth was formless and void. The conjunction and at the beginning of verse two is not describing and undesignated period of time. If that were true, a verb would have followed the conjunction and making it a ‘waw consecutive’ instead of a ‘waw explicative’. The conjunction and in verse two is explicative because the noun earth follows it.

The word/conjunction and is a ‘waw consecutive’ in verses 3,6,9,14,20 and 24 because it connected to the verb said as in “and God said”… These verses clearly speak of time sequence. With each verse mentioned a new day occurs clearly indicating time is passing. In verse two there is no time elapsing between it and verse one. Again, verse two is describing the condition of the earth that God created in verse one – it was formless and void.

Another problem with the gap theory is that if the six days of creation are not actual 24-hour days but allegory or day-age, the Israelites / Hebrews would have never been able to keep the sabbath which was codified in the 10 commandments, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it (Exodus 20:11). God set a pattern for His people that they were to work six days and the seventh day, the Sabbath rest.

The gap theory attempts to destroy the Biblical truth of a six-day creation. Secondly, it comes up with the erroneous idea that between Genesis 1:1 and verse 2 there was a gap of millions / billions of years which no one can prove from the Bible. Third, gappists view verse two as a re-creation instead of the initial creation. Verse two cannot be separated from verse one as I explained earlier.

The gap theory only makes sense if one is an evolutionist. Evolution in relation to the creation is an impossibility and illogical. The formula for evolution is nothing times nobody equals everything. Evolution says we have an effect without a cause which is impossible.


My salvation does not hinge upon a correct view of the creation, does it?

Some do not make a big deal on how the universe was formed. In other words, the creation narrative is not important to some. As long as they believe in Jesus that is all that matters right? Here’s where people can and do get into trouble. If one does not believe in Biblical creation truth and treat it as allegory and not historical, then you have compromised God’s word. If we compromise here, what else are we willing to compromise in holy scripture, the flood, the exodus of the Hebrews out of Egypt,  the reality of hell which Jesus taught (Mark 9:42-48)? Or the most important events in human history, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Point being, if people are discounting the creation which is at the beginning of God’s revelation, why should anyone believe any portion of the Bible? All of scripture is true from Genesis to Revelation (Proverbs 30:5-6).

For more information on the Gap Theory vs Creation. I recommend this site: www.answersingenesis.org[ii]   


[ii] Also take a look at the 4-part book series Answers in Genesis. Ken Ham is the general editor


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