
Showing posts with the label Soul

Is there a difference between our spirit and soul?

The first thing that needs to be done is to define our terms. The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh. The Greek word is Psyche. Several words are used to define it. It means breath, self, life, person. It is the immaterial real you. In Genesis 2:7 it says God breathed into the nostrils the breath of life and man became a nephesh, a living being or soul. The soul of man is the living breath of God. When we use phrases like, I put my heart and soul into this or that, what we mean is we gave it our all. The real us cannot be seen with the naked eye, but we reveal who we are by what we say and do. We can also define soul as the seat of our emotions, desires, appetites, and choices. Our will is derived from our soul. This is the innate component that makes us in the image of God. Let me make this clear: we do not have a soul, we are souls. Our physical body houses our soul. The Lord designed us that way. Our bodies are animate because the soul empowers it. At death the body will decay, but the