
From the birth of Abraham to the death of Joseph

In my previous article, I covered from creation to the death of Shem – son of Noah. I said that covered 2158 years of human history. Now as we continue through the life of the Patriarchs, we come to Abraham. There are at least two dates given for the year of Abraham’s birth. The first one we will consider is the early birth date of ca [1] 2166 BC. How this date is derived is by moving back in time. The year given for the Exodus out of Egypt is 1446 BC. Moses is 80 years old which means he is born in the year 1526 BC. We read in I Kings 6:1 that King Solomon begins to build the house of the Lord in the fourth year of his reign – 966 BC 480 years after the Exodus. Adding 480 + 966 = 1446 BC. Add in the 430 years the Hebrews were in Egypt before the Exodus, we get to 1876 BC. when Jacob enters Egypt at 130 years old (Genesis 47:9). As we continue through our time machine, we go back to the birth of Isaac, Jacob’s father who was born 190 years ago from the time Jacob entered Egy...

From the Birth of Adam to the Death of Shem

 I wrote a previous article entitled, “How old is the earth?”. In it I provided a timeline from the birth of Adam to the flood. Those that do not hold to the view that the earth is millions of years old and that the universe is billions of years old are called “Young Earth Creationists” by some. I would fall into this category. I do not believe the earth is millions of years old. I believe it is only thousands of years old. Why? Because of the timeline, the Bible provides for its readers. There are some that teach that there must be gaps in the timeline we read in Genesis 5; this is where we read how old the father is when his son is born. For instance, we read in Genesis 5:3 that Adam was 130 years old when he had Seth. Some would argue that Seth was perhaps Adam’s grandson or great-grandson, and not his son implying there are gaps in the timeline and perhaps names omitted from the record. I do not know of any documentation discovered with missing names in this timeline. Mos...

What is Eschatology?

Eschatology in relation to the Christian faith is the study of the last things or the end times. A vital element of eschatology is an event in the Bible called the Millennium. Millennium means one thousand. There are different views regarding the time in history we call the millennium. Is it real or figurative? Another question is when does it happen, or has it happened already? Are we in the millennium now? I will attempt to answer those questions in this article; but first, let us look at some different views on the millennium.                                                                             ...