
What Is A Christian?

The writer will begin by saying what a Christian is not. A person is not a Christian because they are religious (See Acts 17:22) [1] . A person is not a Christian because they attend Church. It does not matter if they attended the same Church for fifty years, serve as a deacon, teach Sunday School, or is involved in the homeless ministry, feed the hungry and visit convalescent homes. A person is not a Christian because they are a gifted singer that leads the choir ( good lookin out Gee )! A person is not a Christian because they can play an instrument or multiple instruments on the praise team. A person is not a Christian because their Father is a Pastor, and their Mother is an Evangelist. Proxy saves no one. A person is not a Christian because they “feel Jesus in their heart.” Salvation is never based on our subjective sentimental feelings. A person is not a Christian because they have been water baptized. Baptism has never saved anyone. A person is not a Christian because they wear ...

Have You Spoken To Any Dogs Or Pigs Lately?

  I realize this is a very strange title for an article, but rest assured I will explain. I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with some members from my Church and another Church this past Saturday. As we walked in the neighborhood, we encountered a gentleman who engaged us, but also ridiculed everything we said regarding Jesus, sin and the need for repentance and forgiveness. This is no surprise to me as I have encountered people who have mocked God after I have shared His word, or even if they “agreed” with me, they told me what sins they were about to engage in letting me know the word had no penitential effect on them. My point being is when sharing the gospel truth to someone face to face, or online, we must be discerning. We are not to waste our time with those who have no desire to hear the truth. This is not a harsh response; it is a Biblical one. When Jesus was preaching the sermon on the mountain, He said, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs, and do not cast your...

In The World but not of it

As time marches on, it is more difficult to strike a balance between engaging our culture, and at the same time not succumbing to its evil trappings. We live in a world of tempting compromise. What I have discovered is that if you stand your ground, and stick to your moral convictions, you’re a bigot, phobic, conspiracy theorist, hypocrite, religious zealot, intolerant and unloving. You’ll get canceled on the largest social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. While free speech is our constitutional right, not everyone likes what others who have a different opinion than theirs have to say. In a lot of instances, many people hate worldviews that do not agree with their own - especially Biblical worldviews. These disagreements can degenerate to venomous shouting matches, violent fights, and worst of all some become fatal. As a Christian, we are commanded to love all people. This is never easy since so many people are hateful. The world has love twisted though. They belie...

Is there a difference between our spirit and soul?

The first thing that needs to be done is to define our terms. The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh. The Greek word is Psyche. Several words are used to define it. It means breath, self, life, person. It is the immaterial real you. In Genesis 2:7 it says God breathed into the nostrils the breath of life and man became a nephesh, a living being or soul. The soul of man is the living breath of God. When we use phrases like, I put my heart and soul into this or that, what we mean is we gave it our all. The real us cannot be seen with the naked eye, but we reveal who we are by what we say and do. We can also define soul as the seat of our emotions, desires, appetites, and choices. Our will is derived from our soul. This is the innate component that makes us in the image of God. Let me make this clear: we do not have a soul, we are souls. Our physical body houses our soul. The Lord designed us that way. Our bodies are animate because the soul empowers it. At death the body will decay, but the...

I no longer believe in God!

  What causes someone to make that statement, I no longer believe in God?! Someone declared to a podcast host recently that she no longer believes in God due to some tragedy and evil that has devastated her life. The reply from the host was the thing that has come upon you has affected billions of people around the world. You believed in God then, why don’t you believe in God now that you are suffering? I am paraphrasing, but that was the gist of his reply to the person that complained to him. I agree with his reply, but he should have gotten to the root of the problem – man’s sinful nature. That is the reason we suffer pain, poverty, disease and death. Also, to his credit he said that God is not a “celestial butler.” His exact words. He is correct. God is not our cosmic Jeanie in a bottle. God is not here to serve and grant our wishes. It is the other way around. We exist to serve and glorify Him. Because of mankind’s sin, death is working in all of us. It is a universal sent...

How To Conquer Sin In Our Lives

  It is very easy to forget the power of God’s word when we fail to consistently study and meditate on it. When we do not allow the word to rule our lives, it does not have the compelling influence it needs to have. Jesus said my words are Spirit and they are life (John 6:63). The word of God is what I call Spiritually Organic. It is alive!  Job said, “I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12). The word of God has to be preeminent in the life of the Christian. Without it, we are defeated and walking in darkness. The Psalmist said, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (italics added for emphasis, Psalm 119:105). In this same chapter we read, “Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you ” (Psalm 119:11). The difference between  a mature and immature Christian In 2 Timothy 2:15 we read these words, “Study to show yourself approved unto God. A workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly d...

What Is The Seeker Sensitive Church?

  Seeker sensitive Churches basis is emotional more than doctrinal. They base their faith heavily on experience. Those that lead these types of Churches will use an entertainment atmosphere - light shows, hype music to draw in the unchurched. The target audience are young people. From what I have seen online, seeker sensitive centers are often large Mega Churches with plenty of money. The preacher’s message is non-offensive. He / she rarely discusses the need for repenting of sin for that is negative. Rather, it often is a “positive” message about living your best life now. It’s about positive affirmations and “good vibrations.” Seeker centers are primarily based on two factors: the speaker and the audience, not on God. It focuses on the speaker because they’re often very loud, demonstrative and charismatic. Their presence is so powerful it can be hypnotic. Secondly, these centers focus on the parishioner because they react to the heretical message being delivered. They respond by ...