What Is A Christian?
The writer will begin by saying what a Christian is not. A person is not a Christian because they are religious (See Acts 17:22) [1] . A person is not a Christian because they attend Church. It does not matter if they attended the same Church for fifty years, serve as a deacon, teach Sunday School, or is involved in the homeless ministry, feed the hungry and visit convalescent homes. A person is not a Christian because they are a gifted singer that leads the choir ( good lookin out Gee )! A person is not a Christian because they can play an instrument or multiple instruments on the praise team. A person is not a Christian because their Father is a Pastor, and their Mother is an Evangelist. Proxy saves no one. A person is not a Christian because they “feel Jesus in their heart.” Salvation is never based on our subjective sentimental feelings. A person is not a Christian because they have been water baptized. Baptism has never saved anyone. A person is not a Christian because they wear ...