
Showing posts with the label accidental death

What Is Moralism?

  Moralism is when someone lives by a moral code – whether Biblical or Non-Biblical. Most people in the world are Moralists. Moralists determine for themselves what code of ethics they will live by. For instance, you have many people who do not smoke, drink, or cuss. They give to the hungry, they clothed the naked, they are kind to their neighbors and members in their children’s PTA. I learned from my youngest daughter according to Tik Tok, one cannot use the word suicide for those that take their own lives, or you will get cancelled. One must use the PC phrases and words such as accidental death and un-alive [1] . Saying suicide although true is immoral in Tik Tok-ism. On a human level, moralists are great people. So, when they die will they go to heaven or hell? The non-religious moralist does not believe in a fire and brimstone hell. They have convinced themselves that a loving God would never send anyone to hell; no one is so bad that they deserve to be tortured for eternity right?