
Showing posts with the label not of the world

In The World but not of it

As time marches on, it is more difficult to strike a balance between engaging our culture, and at the same time not succumbing to its evil trappings. We live in a world of tempting compromise. What I have discovered is that if you stand your ground, and stick to your moral convictions, you’re a bigot, phobic, conspiracy theorist, hypocrite, religious zealot, intolerant and unloving. You’ll get canceled on the largest social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. While free speech is our constitutional right, not everyone likes what others who have a different opinion than theirs have to say. In a lot of instances, many people hate worldviews that do not agree with their own - especially Biblical worldviews. These disagreements can degenerate to venomous shouting matches, violent fights, and worst of all some become fatal. As a Christian, we are commanded to love all people. This is never easy since so many people are hateful. The world has love twisted though. They belie