
Retro Articles From July 2005

                                     Have the Fallen Angels become Demons? This subject matter isn’t for the casual bible reader nor for the faint of heart. The subject the author is engaging into would be considered mccabe and spooky. Some may regard it as a study in demonology and Angels. Though I will touch on both, that’s not my intent at all. What I will attempt to do is distinguish the differences between fallen angels and demons. So back to the original question, have the fallen angels become demons? No one knows for sure.   Let’s travel back in time.                                                                             The Angels That Kept Not Their First Estate In Genesis 6 we read where Angels are cohabiting with women and having children. [i] The scriptures read like this, “Now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, that the Sons of God (i.e. Angels) saw the daughters of men that they were

The Tattooed Christian

There are different views on the matter of Christians sporting tattoos. Does the Bible permit or forbid it? Is it a violation of our bodies which God said are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19)? Is it a compromise, too worldly, carnal or outright disobedience? Or, is it just body art, trendy, a form of expression, an addiction, or a form of self -mutilation? In Leviticus 19:28 it says, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you. I am the Lord”. In antiquity, cuttings and markings on one’s body was connected to ancient pagan religious practices. These activities were supposed to appease their gods and were a part of their worship. The children of Israel were prohibited from practicing the evil cultic practices of the nations surrounding them. We read in 1 Corinthians 10:23 we read, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify”. So, regarding Leviti

Is God dispensing new revelation today?

                                            There are many that say God has given them a “fresh word” for today. Or that “the word of the Lord came until them saying”…. Point being is many believe God is talking to them just like He spoke to the prophets of old. Is this true? Is God speaking to us just like He spoke to them? Many say, “Of course He is! Why wouldn’t He?” While others are saying “He is not”, while others are perhaps not so sure. The reason why I believe it is important we discuss this is because if God is giving prophetic words like He gave in the Old and New Testaments, then we would have to conclude that God is providing new revelation in the 21 st century. While I am not going to argue if God spoke to someone (either in their own spirit they believe or audibly)  privately for their own benefit and direction; for only the individuals know whether they heard from the Lord or not. What I will challenge is the idea that God is giving a predictive prophe

Why is Jesus called the only Begotten Son of God?

There are many that make the mistake of thinking when the Bible declares that Jesus is God’s only Begotten Son that it must refer to the Father God having a conjugal relationship resulting in Jesus being born. That reasoning is a gross error. There are also many that believe since the Bible says that Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren that He had a beginning and therefore He is not eternal. This is also an unfortunate conclusion. Since both views are wrong, how do we define begotten and firstborn? The Greek word is prōtotokos. This is a compound word. Proto means first. The second Greek word is tikto which means to beget. Naturally It refers to Jesus being born of the virgin Mary (Luke 2:7). Jesus was the firstborn among his half brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:46-48;13:55). In the Hebrew culture the firstborn male in the family was privileged. He would inherit a double portion of his father’s estate because he is the beginning of his father’s strength (

What is total depravity?

When people think of the phrase total depravity, they think of someone who does not have a vestige of human decency in them – in other words, they are as rotten as they can be like some of the maniacs of history:  Charles Manson, Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler. Total depravity is a misleading term. It comes from the first letter in the acronym TULIP which supposedly describes the five points of Calvinism – (T) (total depravity), (U) (unconditional election), (L) (limited atonement), (I) (irresistible grace), (P) (perseverance or better preservation of the saints). A person that is totally depraved according to scholars is someone who’s entire being is marred by sin – their mind, will and emotions. All of these faculties are corrupt. All of us are depraved to one degree or another. That does not mean depraved people cannot do any human good. Depraved people are often great humanitarians, philanthropists, kind generous people. And because of that, many people believe they are good

Commentary on Psalm 37

This is a Psalm of David who was king of Israel from ca [1] 1010-971 B.C. Some of the main themes in this Psalm are: a.        The fate of the righteous and the wicked b.        The future of the righteous and the wicked c.        The relationship of the righteous and the wicked d.        God’s relationship with the righteous vs the wicked David at this time is an old man and has seen the faithfulness of the Lord. He has witnessed the preservation of the righteous, and the destruction of his enemies. He is qualified to give testimony to God’s power to his readers (vv 25, 34-36). David admonishes his readers not to be alarmed when wicked men prosper because their good times will soon run out, and their destruction will come suddenly and finally (vv 2, 9-10, 20,38). By contrast, the righteous will inherit the earth, and dwell in it forever. There is an eternal future for those who put their trust in the Lord. These verses provide a clear picture of two lives: Tho

Why did Jesus throw out the Moneychangers?

Money changers in the Bible were brokers – those that would exchange one currency for another. The word moneychangers are derived from two Greek words. The first is kollobistēs which literally means clipped. Also means a small coin or rate of change. The second Greek word is kermatistēs which means to cut into small pieces, or to make small change. In the court of the Gentiles during Passover week (see diagram), animals and other items were sold for sacrifice. In addition, Pilgrims coming from distant lands would come annually to pay the required redemption temple tax which had to be paid with the prescribed money. Since Rome was the ruling power during Christ’s time, many had to exchange their coins which had the image of the Emperor Tiberias Caesar on them for the required half-shekel prescribed by the Mosaic law way back in back in Exodus 30:13. Using money with an image of a pagan ruler was considered idolatry by the Israelites. Plus, the money used to the pay the tax had