
Hebrew Chapter 6 - Commentary

The writer stresses the Hebrews move on to maturity and not remain as babies in their understanding of spiritual truths (vs. 2-3). For verses 4-6, please read the article entitled, “The eternality of our salvation” from the archives. The writer commends the faithfulness of some of the Hebrews. Encourages them to continue in their diligence and not become sluggish, but imitate those who received the promises of God like Abraham (vs. 9-15). The writer also informs us that God’s promises are sealed with an oath; these two things (God promises & oath) are unchangeable since that is also the nature of God’s character-his immutability. When God makes a decree, he seals that decree by the power and glory of his own name which is above every name (Philippians 2:9). God makes his promises to us sure. The ultimate promise of our hope is Jesus Christ who entered the Holy of holies on our behalf as our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (vs. 16-20). 

Hebrews chapter 5 - A commentary

The writer discusses the following matters: The High Priesthood:  This office was established in the O.T. by God through Aaron. He had to offer sacrifices for the people and himself constantly for sins (vs. 1-4). The High Priesthood of Jesus Christ:   The marked difference between the Aaronic priesthood and that of Christ’s is that Jesus was the sacrifice himself for sin. He could not offer a sacrifice in his stead like the O.T. priests did for those were types of the perfect sacrifice that was made by Christ himself. Jesus agonized over the fact that he would be made sin on our behalf. He was not afraid to die, it was the manner in how he had to die that he was saddened over. Being made sin, God had to unleash his wrath on his Son and turn his back on him (Isaiah 53:1-5; II Corinthians 5:21). Jesus learned obedience by the things he suffered (vs. 7-9):  Jesus being perfect did not learn obedience because he was unfamiliar with it. In his humanity it was essential he di

Can The Devil Answer Prayer?

This seems like a rhetorical question, but I believe it’s one worth exploring. First of all, I do not believe the devil can even hear our prayers to God. Why? There are no scriptures I have found that would support this type of belief. Some that espouse that the devil can answer prayer has as their premise those who are operating in disobedience; meaning that if someone is petitioning the Lord, and is in sin, the Lord will not hear them so the devil intercepts the request and provides an answer to their prayer. The person then believes the answer came from God when in actuality, it’s a counterfeit. This is a weak supposition of  Satan’s ability at the least, and heretical interpretation of scripture at the most. There are those that are given the devil too much credit and power. It is this writer’s one hundred percent persuasion that the devil can not answer prayer, because he is not in the “blessing business”, but in the “killing business”! Scripture clearly bears

What about Horoscopes - Are they harmful?

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines horoscopes as: a forecast of a person’s future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person’s birth. A short forecast for people born under a particular sign as published in a newspaper or magazine. Horoscope is a compound word. It comes from the Greek hōroskopos , from hōra which means time, and skopos which means observer. So it’s one that studies and gazes at the stars or an observer of times. Generally people will pickup the morning paper and read what their “horoscope” says under their astrological sign to get some idea of how their day will go and what they believe is their future. Something as “innocent” as a horoscope reading is a clear violation of the word of God. Why? It places faith in man’s corrupt wisdom instead of God’s infinite wisdom. It’s also divination; one is trying to determine the future based on th

Where will you spend eternity?

Be honest with yourself my friend, do you ever wonder where you’ll end up when you die? If you haven’t thought about it, you should RIGHT NOW!! The bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27, “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment”. I know I’m not the first person that has preached the word of God to you; so what that means is God is trying to arrest your attention. If you’re not listening to his voice, you need to begin listening today! Perhaps you’re the type of person that believes you’re  “good” in your owns eyes and you don’t need God. None of us are good (Psalm 14; Psalm 53). According to the bible it says, “he that trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he that walks wisely will be delivered”, Proverbs 28:26. Every word of God is true. Another passage in the bible says this, “now or today is the day of salvation”. Another verse says, “if you hear the Lord’s voice, do not harden your heart” (2 Corinthians 6:2; Hebrews 3:15). You DO NOT have all the

The Book Of Hebrews – Part 1

Chapter 1 – The writer declares Jesus greater than the angels (vs. 4). I n fact, He created them (vs.2). The Father declares Jesus the Son of God God himself affirming his deity (vs. 8-12). Verses are a direct quotation from Psalm 45:6,7. The writer is clearly making the distinction between Jesus and the angels Vs. 13 is another O.T. reference to the Messiah (See Psalm 110:1). Chapter 2 – The writer urges us to take heed to the things we’ve heard (the gospel) so that we do not drift away from them. If the O.T. children of Israel were punished for disobeying their gospel, how much more will we suffer if we disobey a greater gospel? (vs. 1-3) Jesus was made (humanly) a little lower than the angels so that he could die for his people (Matthew 1:21) – (vs.9). Jesus had to become flesh and blood like us – the seed of Abraham in order to die and destroy him who has the power of the death, the devil (vs. 14). When He did this we were made free forever. Jesus incarnat

Divorce and Remarriage

“For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce , for it covers one’s garment with violence”, says the Lord of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit that you do not deal treacherously.” – Malachi 2:16.                It’s been said that the divorce rate among evangelicals is as high as the secular world. According to recent studies, this statement is false. Married couples that attend church regularly and practice their faith seriously, divorce rate is at 38 percent. Those who are nominal in their faith, and do not attend a worship service regularly and/or do not spend time in personal prayer or with their spouse, read their bibles consistently divorce rate is at a whopping 60 percent! Since it’s so easy to divorce and remarry in our country, even some so called Christians do it on a regular basis. But what does the bible have to say about these matters? In Matthew 5:31-32 Jesus said, “ Furthermore it has been said whosoever divorces his wife, let him give