
Why death couldn't hold Jesus in the grave

   Some would look at the title of this message as a question and it would be okay to look at it that way. Everyone else that has ever lived has died and has remained dead. Even those who Jesus raised from the dead like Lazarus eventually died again (John 11:43).  Why do we die? Because of sin.     Romans 6:23 declares, "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." This verse has a negative and a positive. The morbid truth is we all die because of sin, but the wonderful contrast is that eternal life is given to all freely who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for their soul salvation.      Here's a question that MUST be answered, since Jesus never committed any sin, why did he have to die? The Bible answers that question for us; to be a propitiation for mankind's sins. What in the world does propitiation mean? It is the Greek word hilasmos. This means Christ's sacrifice was the means by which a person can h

Who wrote the Bible?

A simple but most important question. Many years ago I was heading home from work on the bus. I was sitting in the back and heard a man say, “well you know man wrote the Bible!” Since he was in my earshot, I felt compelled to tell him that that was an untrue statement. Surprisingly, he listened to me as I presented my case. The scripture I used to prove my point was 2 Timothy 3:16, “All scripture is theopneustos in the original Greek language or God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete or mature, equipped for every good work.” The man’s reply to me was, “You’re the first person to ever tell me that!” Why do I bring this matter up? Because it is essential that we as believers can 1) know the origin of the Bible, and 2) be able to properly defend its truthfulness (1 Pet 3:15; Jude 3). If we believe man wrote the Bible, then it is no different than any other false religious bo

Is God a Respecter of Persons?

This is a podcast. Click on link to listen.  

What does genuine confession of Sin look like?

How do you know if someone has really repented of sin? How do you know if you have really repented of sin? Can you say you have sincerely repented if you continue to commit the same sins over and over again? Repentance by definition means in Greek to change one’s mind. Regarding sin we are not only commanded to change our minds, we are to change our behavior as well. The best illustration in the New Testament would be that of King David. We all know the story of David and Bathsheba, and how he committed adultery with her (2 Sam 11:4). When David was confronted with his sin by the prophet Nathan, David immediately expressed contrition and repented (2 Sam 12:13). As a matter of fact, David said, “ I have sinned against the Lord”. Well, didn’t he sin against Bathsheba and her husband Uriah whom he arranged to have killed in battle too (2 Sam 11:17;12:9)? Yes, David sinned against all three, but he knew the ultimate and most gravest of his sins was against the Lord who’s laws he

Fire Insurance Christian

An Audio Podcast. Click on link to listen.

About Evil

This is an audio podcast. Click on the link to listen. Originally recorded November 1, 2015.


There is warfare within my being the part I hate is prevailing  my steps are slippery I'm unsure ground my judgments are those of a fool Apprehension is laughing at me focus  has forsaken me long ago I cry   a loud   to God for I need him so for my indecision has me in derision Are there any faithful around someone who can instruct me now are all the sons of men unwise as I hear can anyone lend a hand I'm sick of myself and my trifling ways when will I ever change  for I'm engaged in struggles with the Angel like Jacob and my hip is out of joint When I intend to do well evil is present when will I ever break free can't lay hold of  righteousness once credited to my account for wickedness has me overdrawn For in confusion I scribe and by   faith   I pray for  ignorance is baptized in its pool for wisdom's a mirage and anguish an ocean as I struggle to keep afloat I'm on the edge of life as the struggle