
Showing posts from September, 2017

We Need Humilty!

W hat does mean to be humble? With all of the seminars, books, and videos that tell us to "Believe in yourself", "You can create your own reality if you can just visualize it", it's no wonder why people today have very little or no humility at all. I am by no means advocating apathy, and not having confidence in one's abilities, but like most things we do as humans, we take it to the extreme. Too often many are overconfident in themselves to the degree that many believe they are better than those who they feel have not reached their status in life - money, education, corporate success, etc. Humble by definition means one of low degree, one of a lowly spirit. These are adjective forms of the word. This perfectly describes Jesus who said that he was gentle and humble in heart (Matt 11:29). To have humility is not a bad word. Some have misunderstood the term believing that to be humble is to exhibit weakness, to not have a backbone. To become a do

What is the Battle of Armageddon?

The word Armageddon is the Hebrew word [Har]megiddon  which means mountain or plain of Megiddo. Megiddo is located in northern Israel in the valley of Jezreel. In ancient Biblical times battles were fought there. If you look closely at the map, you will see the half tribe of Manasseh to the left and Megiddo in the northern part of it.  In the 15th Century B.C. Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III fought against a group of Megiddo and Kadesh rulers. There are some that believe this is the same Pharaoh Moses and Aaron confronted when they demanded that Pharaoh let the Hebrews go free in the book of Exodus.  During the time of Joshua's and his army defeat of many kings, it is mentioned that the tribe of Manasseh (one of the 12 tribes of Israel) received the region of Megiddo (Josh 12:21). This is also the area where King Josiah of Judah is killed in 609 B.C. when battling against Pharaoh  Neco  (2 Kings 23:29 - 30, 2 Chr 35:20 - 35).  The word Megiddo is also me