
Showing posts with the label escape the wrath to come

Judgment Is Coming! Are You Ready?

 I believe it is safe to say those that are rich in this world are not looking to die anytime soon if they are rich and happy. Why would they? They are living the "good life" as we say. Sadly, many that are rich in this world may have everything they want materially, but are bankrupt spiritually toward God. That's a horrific state to be in. What is worse, they have no clue that their day of reckoning is near. Judgment is coming, and none will escape it. Two rich men: The careless fool and the inquiring pragmatist Then He (Jesus) told them a parable, saying, The land of a rich man was fertile and yielded plentifully.    And he considered and debated within himself, What shall I do? I have no place [in which] to gather together my harvest. And he said, I will do this: I will pull down my storehouses and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain or produce and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have many good things laid up, [enough] for many years. ...