
Showing posts with the label absent from the body

Why Are You Afraid?

 T here are numerous things in this world that people fear. A terminal illness diagnosis. Loss of a Job. Not having enough money to pay bills and retire. The welfare and safety of our family. And most of all, the fear of death. So many people do not have an assurance of where they will end up when they die. Most believe and or hope they will end up in a better place because they have convinced themselves they are good. But who determines ultimately who is good and who is evil? Do we or God Almighty?  It is the latter, God. The phrase the world is going to hell in a handbasket while poetic and popular is true. This present world is going to burn  - literally! Environmentalists that want to save this world will not succeed. This beautiful planet with all its glory and splendor is disposable. Sorry but not sorry. I'll explain what I mean.  I am sorry in the sense that I am firm believer that we should do all we naturally can to preserve and protect our natural resources...