
Is Jesus Deity?

Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 start off identically, "In the beginning..." After that Genesis continues, "God created the heavens and the earth." John continues, "In the beginning was the Word" (Greek Logos ). The word Logos theologically is a title of Jesus Christ unlike the Greeks definition of the logos which to them simply means: word, discourse or reason, a divine intelligence. Jesus is the Word of God, the Logos personified.  Its essential I compare the two references; Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 because what John proves is that the Word is preexistent, God in the flesh, and the Creator of the universe. John 1:1-4 reads: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men The phrase the Word was with God ( pros ton theon) depicts a close intimate relationship with ...

Judgment Is Coming! Are You Ready?

 I believe it is safe to say those that are rich in this world are not looking to die anytime soon if they are rich and happy. Why would they? They are living the "good life" as we say. Sadly, many that are rich in this world may have everything they want materially, but are bankrupt spiritually toward God. That's a horrific state to be in. What is worse, they have no clue that their day of reckoning is near. Judgment is coming, and none will escape it. Two rich men: The careless fool and the inquiring pragmatist Then He (Jesus) told them a parable, saying, The land of a rich man was fertile and yielded plentifully.    And he considered and debated within himself, What shall I do? I have no place [in which] to gather together my harvest. And he said, I will do this: I will pull down my storehouses and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain or produce and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have many good things laid up, [enough] for many years. ...

Why Are You Afraid?

 T here are numerous things in this world that people fear. A terminal illness diagnosis. Loss of a Job. Not having enough money to pay bills and retire. The welfare and safety of our family. And most of all, the fear of death. So many people do not have an assurance of where they will end up when they die. Most believe and or hope they will end up in a better place because they have convinced themselves they are good. But who determines ultimately who is good and who is evil? Do we or God Almighty?  It is the latter, God. The phrase the world is going to hell in a handbasket while poetic and popular is true. This present world is going to burn  - literally! Environmentalists that want to save this world will not succeed. This beautiful planet with all its glory and splendor is disposable. Sorry but not sorry. I'll explain what I mean.  I am sorry in the sense that I am firm believer that we should do all we naturally can to preserve and protect our natural resources...

Is the Bible An accessory to many Church-goers?

  T he answer to this question unfortunately is a resounding yes. Why do I make this assertion? Because many people take what their Pastor says hook, line and sinker instead of being like the Bereans in Acts 17:11 where it says that they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether these things were so. The Bereans didn't even take Paul's and Silas' word as true until they examined it; and these men received direct revelation from the Spirit of God! We have an obligation to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman who is not ashamed - rightly dividing the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).  If you're not diligent in study, you will be duped by these numerous false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing. Here's what these charlatans do: They love to say that "God told me to tell you..." Putting God's name on your falsehood clearly implies dogmatism does it not? This is where the hypnotism begins in ...

Is the Bible a Accessory to many Church-goers? A Preview

If you're not diligent in study, you will be duped by these numerous false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing. Here's what these charlatans do: They love to say that "God told me to tell you..." Putting God's name on their falsehood clearly implies dogmatism does it not? This is where the hypnotism begins in these social gospel centers (I can't in good conscience call them churches). To make their "prophecy" appear authentic, they will take a Bible verse(s) out of context. What they are doing is claiming they have received "divine revelation", and they want the Bible to bow its knee to their divination. Once they get the foolish churchian [1]   riled up and ear-tickled, they go in for the kill - the money grab!  Mission accomplished. You've been played.  I would love to say that the victim (i.e. church-goer) has been freed from their hypnotic trance, but most return the following week to receive the same abuse from the same wolf i...

Is God Fair?

There are several ways I could answer this question. If you ask the average person Is God fair, they would say no. Now what do I mean by average? In this PC culture someone may think that I am belittling someone's intelligence by calling someone average but I am not. I am using the word average as a rule or barometer on how most likely people think about God - the God of the Bible; the One and Only True God by the way. Declaring God is not fair is a statement of ignorance on those who know Him very little or not at all. Being ignorant of something does not mean a person is unintelligent, rather it means they lack knowledge about a matter. But, of all of things to be ignorant about, the absolute worst person to be ignorant about is the nature of God. If one does not understand God's nature, you will NEVER fully understand your own nature; its absolutely impossible. Can we know God's nature? Yes. How? Only through His self revelation, the scriptures. Now at this point there w...

Are We Supposed To Fight For Biblical Truth?

 L ately I wondered if Christians have been too harsh and critical of other Christians regarding their doctrine. Let me explain what I mean. I follow several YouTube Christian Content Creators that are solid Biblical Expositors. They have no problem pointing out doctrinal error in the pulpit of Pastors when they come across it. I agree them with more than I disagree because I share a kindred spirit with them. They are Biblically astute. Those that filter what they see and hear through a Biblical lens are being led by the Holy Spirit and do not habitually fall into error. Those that are emotive more than doctrinal often fall into serious error. Performance based “Pastors” are only interested in arousing the emotions of their congregations; it’s the blind leading the blind. Seeker sensitive “Pastors” love to “Decree and Declare” things to their congregations; God is going to bless you with a new house this year! There’s a healing with your name on it! I prophesy that you’re not going...