

Precious Lord, Help us to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered unto the saints. Let your children know that it is not unloving to confront error in regards to doctrine. Lord your word commands us to test the spirits to see if they're of God because many false prophets have gone into the world. Not to confront error is disobedience. Although it's uncomfortable, we need to overcome our fear, and do what you have commanded. We must speak the truth in love, and not be concerned with the reaction of the person we're confronting as long as our motives are pure in our approach. It's critical that we say the same thing the word of God says so that we're not leading people astray or being misled ourselves. Help the Church not to be lazy in studying to show themselves approved unto God, a worker that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. In Jesus name, A men!

What is true Joy?

When we hear or read the word Joy,  what’s  the first thought that comes to mind? Happiness, satisfaction, a cheerful heart? A lot of people look at it as an emotion based on happy feelings.  Let’s  define the term and find out what it really means.   The New Oxford American Dictionary describes Joy as: a feeling of  great pleasure  and happiness.   The Greek word for Joy is  Chará . It means: to  rejoice .   Another Greek word is  Cháris .  It means several things. Here are a few: favor, acceptance, a kindness granted or desired, a benefit, thanks, gratitude, grace.   Jesus  stated  in the gospels that the joy he gives is a joy no man can take away from us.  It’s  an everlasting, abiding joy.  That’s  a wonderful reality.  But  what is God’s joy based on?   Unlike human joy  that’s  based on happy feelings alone, true Christian joy  has to  be based on ...