
The Disciples of Christ

Jesus chose twelve men to be His followers. There were His disciples. A disciple is one that is a learner, a student. They were also called Apostles which means sent ones, special messengers. Jesus chose these men so that He could teach them what He knew and to continue His work when He was raised from the dead and ascended back to the Father. Below is a chart of the 12 men and the order they appear in each book: Matthew 10:2–4   Mark 3:16–19   Luke 6:14–16   Acts 1:13   Peter Andrew James John   Peter James John Andrew   Peter Andrew James John   Peter James John Andrew   Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew   Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas   Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas   Philip Thomas Bartholomew Matthew ...

Where did Easter come from?

  The origins of Easter are unclear but have been connected to legend and paganism. The day most call Easter Christians refer to as Resurrection Day – the day Jesus rose from the dead. The word Easter has been associated with two pagan goddesses,  Eostre  the eighth century goddess of spring and fertility, and  Ishtar  the Babylonian goddess of fertility, war, and sex. There is no concrete proof this is where the word Easter comes from.   Other theories (I believe to be more reliable) say the word Easter in Latin is the phrase  In   Albis.  In Old German, the phrase  In Albis  (means dawn or daybreak) was changed to   eostarum .  In   more modern German, the word is  Ostern   from which we get the English Easter. The French word for Easter is  Pâcques , based on the Latin and Greek  Pascha , meaning “Passover.” This appears to be another case where the pagan Easter celebration is celebrated the sam...