A Quick Overview Of The Bible
The English word Bible comes from the Latin Biblia which means book or books. The Bible is actually a library of books – 66 books to be exact. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. The timeline of all the books covers over 3500 years of human history. The Old Testament covers the majority of this time frame, whereas the New Testament covers about 100 years only. The first book Genesis covers about 2200 years of human history – more than the other 65 books combined. The Bible was written over a period of about 1500 years written by around 40 different authors. Why was the Bible written? The Bible was written as God’s personal revelation to mankind. I think of it as a very large collection of love letters. God wanted us to learn about and develop a relationship with Him based on love and obedience. God decided of His own free will to use man as His instruments to record His revelation. It is important to remember that the words man wrote a...