
The Book of Micah - A Commentary

Micah who was a Hebrew prophet name means, “Who is a God like You?” prophesied in the eighth century B.C. Micah prophesied prior to the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. Chapter 1 -  God through the prophet pronounces judgment on the northern kingdom of Israel (Samaria) vs. 6&7. Primarily he’s dealing with the southern kingdom of Judah. The prophets laments for both nations, and says not to tell their neighbors they hear and rejoice over nations demise, vs. 8-13. The end of the chapter deals the prophet telling the people they need to deal with their sin by going into deep mourning about their iniquities. This was a sign of genuine grief for sin vs. 16. Chapter 2 -  Because the evil rich robbed the poor, God is going to judge them by a turncoat (i.e. enemy) to plunder them and remove their boundaries; their apportioned land will be taken, vs 1-5. The people also listened to false prophets instead of true, hindering God’s message, vs 6

So, what about Christian Tithing?

The majority of leaders and parishioners in the Church say we’re required to tithe, that is one is to give a tenth of their income to God every week. But, I ask the reader the following questions: When and where did the tithe originate? Who was it for? And, what was it’s purpose? Before answering those questions, let’s site the most popular verse regarding tithing, Malachi 3:8-10: “Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, “In what way have we robbed You?” In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed me, even this whole nation (i.e. Israel, not the church). Bring all the tithes in the storehouse that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this, says the Lord of Hosts if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be enough room for you to receive it (italics added). It’s unfortunate that this passage regarding the tithe has been isolated in light of so many other passages in the


What is water baptism? What is it’s purpose? Who can participate? The word baptism comes from the Greek word baptisma which means to submerge or immerse. This also is in reference to John’s baptism and Christian baptism. There’s no mention of baptism in the Old Testament. The first time we encounter baptism is in the gospel of Matthew where we find John the Baptist baptizing in the Jordan River. The purpose for this was for repentance of sins, and to prepare the participant for the Messiah (Matthew 3:5-6). John’s baptism was incomplete and was never meant to save or take away sins. In short, water baptism can not save anyone (emphasis added)! For if it could, Jesus dying on the cross and shedding his blood would have been in vain.   John declared to the religious leaders that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). In fact, when Jesus approached John to be baptized, John tried to prevent him and replied, “ I need be baptized by you, and you’re com

The Book Of Jonah - A Commentary

                                                          THE BOOK OF JONAH Commentary: Jonah was a Hebrew prophet  whose name means dove. He was the son of Ammitai. The time of Jonah’s one prophecy was in the latter part of the eighth century B.C. God commanded Jonah to prophecy against Nineveh; an evil gentile city in the country of Assyria. Jonah refuses to travel there which was eastward, so instead, he heads to a town named Joppa (today Jaffa), boards a ship, and heads west toward Tarshish he hopes to run from the presence of the Lord.                                                     The Lord caused a great  tempest on the sea while Jonah was sleeping at the bottom of the ship.  The captain and other men on the ship are in a panic and call upon their gods. They awake Jonah and command him to call on his God.  As the men throw the cargo into the sea to lighten the load, the tempest becomes worse.  They cast lots to see who it will fall on; the lot fell on Jonah. Once

Is Jesus Christ Omniscient

There is a disturbing verse in Mark 13:32 that reads, “But of that day and that hour know no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven,  neither the Son (italics added), but the Father.” Now you as well as I believe Jesus Christ knows all things since he’s God manifested in the flesh correct? So why doesn’t he know the day and the hour of his return to the earth? I’ve come across some views for the reader to think about.  1. Jesus is not God – This would be the view of non-believers and skeptics of the gospel. Looking at       the verse on the surface without further examination, would lead many to believe that this erroneous claim is true. Everything time Jesus uses the phrase, “I am”, he’s affirming his deity. He uses this phrase seven times in the gospel of John. Even the Father God calls Jesus God twice in Hebrews 1:8-9. View number one is thrown out. 2. Jesus chose not to know – Jesus in his humanity chose to reserve t

The Rapture And Second Coming

Often times the rapture of the Church and second coming are used interchangeably. That is a mistake. These are two distinct events in the future regarding the Lord Jesus Christ and his Church.  Let’s break it down. The English word rapture does not appear in the bible. It’s a transliteration of the Latin word Rapio which means to seize, snatch away with force. The Greek term is Harpázō which contain the same meaning, to spoil, to seize, to catch away. The verses that deal with the rapture are I Corinthians 15:51-53 and I Thessalonians 4:16-18. I Corinthians 15:51-53 – Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (a euphemism for death), but we shall be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. For this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and the mortality must put on immortality. I Thessalonians 4:16-18 – For the Lord himself sh

Prayer For Our Young Ladies

Dear Heavenly  Father, I lift up our ladies this evening. I pray that they'll understand that their allurement isn't just what they can provide for a man physically only, but they'll understand that their value is their virtue, character and modesty. Help them to realize how wonderful they are and fearfully you've created them for your glory. Apparently some of our ladies have no sense of value for themselves and their priorities are out of whack. They're not being taught by older women how to behave when they're in the presence of adults or how to properly  respond to boys when they're girls and how to respond to men when they're grown. Help our ladies to understand that a man does not complete them and not to settle for any man just for the sake of saying they have one. However, a good godly man can compliment them and ad spice to a healthy relationship that can blossom into a lifelong love affair that can bring fulfillment to their lives. I u