Demons are real but I'm not presenting their origins as dogma. I’m sharing this article for those that can receive it and for the reader’s consideration. Because of the subject matter there is more conjecture and supposition in this article than any of the previous ones in the blog. As always be like the noble Bereans and search the scriptures daily to prove whether those things are so (Luke 17:11).

How long demons have been around it’s hard to tell. Many believe the fallen angels have transformed into demons in the rebellion before the dawn of time (Isaiah 14) so the terms fallen angels and demons are used interchangeably. While it’s possible it occurred this way, scripture is silent on the matter so we can’t be one hundred percent certain.

The Hebrew term for demon is*śēd. The Greek terms are dáimōn and diabolos. The terms simply mean evil spirits.

Demons are also called devils in scripture. They’re evil spirits that belong to the kingdom of satan. These creatures are worshipped as deity by all false religions. In the Old Testament we hear the term familiar spirits to refer to demons – meaning witches or wizards would consult with the familiar spirit at the request of someone desiring to consult with the dead. The sophisticated term for consulting with the dead is called necromancy. The mediator is called a Medium. Today we call them physics, clairvoyants (clair meaning clear and voyant from the French word voir meaning to see. When combined means to see clearly or clearly see), or gypsies.

These individuals conduct séances or use tarot cards or even perhaps Ouija Boards to divine the future. Some physics are nothing more than hucksters and charlatans who prey on the foolish and gullible to hustle them out of their money. They have no real power. The medium isn’t talking to a dead loved one, but a demon impersonating them. The consultation of mediums is forbidden in scripture and was punishable by death (Leviticus 19:31; I Samuel 28).

Unfortunately, television and motion pictures make these real horrors romantic and entertaining and that’s exactly what the enemy wants us to believe – to believe in the make believe of these evil forces and not the real activity of demons. If you can reduce demons to that of a mere “boogeyman”, then you can dupe the masses into being subconsciously desensitized to the real threat of these disembodied spirits looking for a willing host (that is your body). I believe much of the diseases, starvation and possession of human beings can be attributed to these wicked parasites.

By the time Jesus was on the earth, demons had infiltrated the world and had possessed perhaps millions of people. Keep in mind the glory of the Lord was in Israel during the era before Christ and therefore not once did you read of anyone being possessed. No doubt their power was suppressed because of the glorious light of God’s presence which demons can’t endure.

Once the Old Testament ended with the Prophet Malachi in 400 B.C., the Lord was silent; meaning he didn’t speak through anyone for four hundred until John the Baptist in the New Testament, the time Jesus Christ. During that parenthesis in history (i.e. four hundred years of silence), demons probably proliferated the earth like locusts. Jesus of course had the power to cast them out. The demons were terrified of Jesus and knew who he was (Mark 5; Matthew 12:27; Matthew 8:16, 28; Matthew 17:18; Mark 1:23-28, 32-34; Mark 7:24-30; Mark 9:25; Luke 4:33-35; Luke 7:20; Luke 8:2, 26-32; Luke 9:38-42; Luke 11:14; ).

In summary, the best way to combat demons is not give place to the devil, and the only way to do that is to be saved by repenting of your sins and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. Only then will you have power over the enemy (I John 2:13,14). Worshipping or consulting with evil spirits is an invitation to the destruction of your soul.


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