Hebrews Chapter 10 - Commentary

Once again the writer reminds his readers that the sacrifice of bulls and goats could never remove sins; rather the ongoing sacrifices were a constant reminder of their sins. Their consciences were tainted because of sins (vs. 1-4).

In fact, the Lord never desired burnt sacrifices; they were merely types and shadows of the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ himself on the cross [(God the Father's altar) (vs. 5-10 from Psalm 40:6-8)].

Jesus sacrifice on the cross ratified the new/everlasting covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-32, (vs. 11-18). Vs. 18 is the same as Hebrews 9:22.

Verse 22 fulfills the O.T. ritual of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement when he washed in the basin outside the tabernacle after which he would put on the holy garments to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies to atone for his sins, his family and the entire nation (vs 19-22).

We're to keep believing in what Christ did for us without any doubt. God is faithful vs. 23.

Verses 26-31 gives severe warnings regarding our conduct toward what Jesus did for us; not to treat what he did with contempt for that's the attitude of the non believer. God will avenge himself on people with that type of evil mindedness. We are to fear God.

Verses 32-39 provide encouragement to Hebrew believers.

Verse 39 in particular proves that true believers will remain faithful. Why? Because God always preserves his chosen so that final salvation will be realized.


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