Because of sin...

Before redemption

I  love to hate and hate to love impenitent in mind and speech Self righteous my lot evil my bread anger is what I drink

Devoid of God’s Spirit hell bound I hasten deceived due to blackness of soul So internally diseased metastasized at heart unaware I need spiritual healing

Dead man walking sin killed me at birth due to Eden’s transgression My adamic nature toxic It shakes it’s fist at the Almighty thinking I’m owed a debt

I’m on edge all the time I rejoice in scandal willing to catch a case Anger is perfect humility I despise Cancerous to all around me

I’m a religious zealot a legalist to the max modern day Pharisee judgmental hypocrite unbeknownst to me I’m merciful to none and critical of all fiending for the highest places in the courts

Unforgiven when trespassed no ounce of compassion boastful reaction even when offender is contrite Cold 
hearted dog rips flesh off the bone my wrath gives me the juice to retaliate

I mock at iniquity trivialize my depravity never as bad as the next guy My “penance”  I believes saves me feeling good regarding benevolence for I’ve made the world a "better place"

Believes Jesus loves me and died for my sins truth for me merely academic Refuse to repent for it involves radical commitment for what would my peers think of me
Unaware I need a heart transplant of soul for I’m a tomb walking aimlessly on earth Yet I refuse the truth want to earn heaven’s glory that I may brag of my earthly virtue

Nearer to death than I care to know never realizing my father Satan desires my eternal expiration For he hates my guts he’s doom to Gehenna desires to share his damnation with all

Come short of God’s glory continually I’m a sinful marksmen never hitting the target Tired of hearing  gospel preachers Talk too much Bible commanding me to repent

I continue to harden myself against truth for I despise God’s love Not realizing I’m near the point of no return when salvation for me will be too late

I’m devoid of true joy my lows are greater than my highs Yet due to pride I refuse to realize an intervention Divine is my solitary hope tonight

The thing I love (sin) has lied betrayed and is killing me daily for my fidelity to it is vanity The lover I sought  never loved me back Been made a slave my life long

Is there any hope for me

Sequel to follow. Written August 3, 2013


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