What is the Antediluvian period?
The term antediluvian means pre-flood. From the creation of
the universe in Genesis 1 up to Genesis 6 was the existence before the flood of
Noah. I want to concentrate in particular on some the activity in the sixth chapter of
In Genesis 6:1-4 we read, Now it came to pass when men began
to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the
sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and they took
wives for themselves all of whom they chose. And the Lord said, “My Spirit will
not always strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall
be one hundred and twenty years.”[1]
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons
of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
There are two views regarding who the sons of God are. The
first view is that they are angels and second view is that they are the sons of
Adam and Eve’s third son Seth (Genesis 4:25).
Notice when the text says the sons of God took wives for
themselves all of whom they chose, and immediately afterward God says, “My
Spirit will not always strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh. It seems
odd that God would become upset with the sons of God if they are human men
(i.e. sons of Seth), and they desired to marry the daughters of men. Men and
women were put on this earth to marry and procreate. For this reason, the
writer does not believe that the sons of God are the descendants of Seth or any
other mere mortals.
The view that the sons of God are wicked angels that
cohabited with women and produced offspring is one of the accepted interpretations
of this text. This is the interpretation the writer leans to. The phrase sons
God also appears in the book of Job 1:6 and Job 2:1. In these two texts sons
of God refers to angels and not men. The argument against this view comes from
Matthew 22:30 where Jesus has to rebuke the Sadducees for their lack of
understanding of marriage in the eternal state. Jesus said regarding men, “for
in the resurrection they (men and women) neither marry nor are given in
marriage, but are like the angels of God in
heaven (italics mine).
Jesus is letting his audience know that heavenly angels do
not procreate.[2]
The amount of angels that were created by God is fixed. So as a result of this
reality, there are many that do not believe the sons of God mentioned in
Genesis 6 are angels. This is a plausible view in my opinion.
Another view why some believe the sons of God in Genesis 6
are angels is because many believe that the angels indwelt men and produce
giants; perhaps some type of hybrid offspring. This conclusion is a misreading
of the text. Notice Genesis 6 vs. 4 says there were giants (Hebrew Nephilim;
meaning to fall or fallen ones) already. So the union between the sons of God and
daughters of men did not necessarily produce the nephilim. It says their union
produced men of old, men of renown (vs 4).
Two texts II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 makes reference to angels
who did not keep their first estate or proper domain or dwelling are consigned
to hell; Greek word Tartarus which
the Hebrew writers borrowed to describe the lowest hell. Many scholars believe
these are the angels who sinned and had intercourse with the daughters of men
in Genesis 6 producing an evil offspring. This act along with the wickedness of
men in the antediluvian race precipitated the judgment of the earth producing
the worldwide flood.
Concluding, no one knows for absolutely sure who the sons of God
are. Once again I Iean toward them being fallen angels for the reason I mentioned
above while others believe they are the sons of Seth because there are those that
believe his line were godly (Genesis 5:6-32).
[1] The
one hundred twenty years is believed to be the time from God’s pronouncement of
His declaring that He will not always strive with man until the flood. Other believe
that man’s life span would be reduced to 120 years of life. Man still lives beyond
120 years after the flood; e.g. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel). Life spans drastically
declinded thereafter.
[2] Heavenly
angels do not commit sin but the sons of God in Genesis 6 (if they are angels) were
evil and left their natural abode as Jude 6 and II Peter 2:4 declare to have inordinate
relations with human women and produce wicked offspring.