Did Jesus die for every Sin?

Seems like a silly question? It is not and I will explain why. There are those that believe Jesus died for all sin except the sin of unbelief. If that is true then sin abounded greater than grace which is the antithesis of what Romans 5:20 says, “where sin abounded grace abounded all the more”.

This passage and so many others lets us know that Jesus died for every sin we will ever commit including the sin of unbelief. Logically speaking if Jesus didn't die for our unbelief, then we have to 1) conclude that unbelief is not sinful. Or 2) we have to believe that Jesus died for only some of the sins of men.  
       These two arguments present an interesting dilemma.

If Jesus did not die for someone’s unbelief that means that none of that person’s sins has been atoned for by Jesus. What good would it do for a person to have all their sins forgiven and still die in unbelief? He (Jesus) either died for all of yours sins or none of them, no middle ground. If all of a person’s sins have not been forgiven, then that individual is on her or his way to hell until they repent of their evil ways.

It would have been illogical for God the Father to send Jesus to the earth to die for only some sins and not all of them.

The argument presented by many would be, Christ did die for all the sins of all men. Christ died for the whole world right? So why are not all men saved? The reply would be, because not all men believe! Is not unbelief a sin Christ died for as well? Why do some believe Christ covered all sin under the blood except unbelief? Makes no sense.

So we are back at the original argument, why don’t some men believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ? Answer, because their sins have not been forgiven – none of them!

                                              Who sins have been forgiven?

The Bible answers that question. In Matthew 1:21 it says Jesus came to die for the sins of His people (italics mine).

In John 10:28 Jesus says He gives eternal life to His sheep (italics mine). In this same chapter in vs. 25-26 He tells the Jews that they do not believe in Him because they are not part of His flock.

In John 17:2 Jesus declares He grants eternal life to all those who the Father gave to Him.

In Ephesians 5:25 says that Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her. In verse 30 of the same chapter it says the Church is the body of Christ.

It is crystal clear that Christ came to die for all the sins of His elect, the chosen by God the Father to the Son.
The way this is done is that when Jesus died for the sins of the elect, they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and drawn to the Son by the will of the Father (John 6:44).

It is all of grace by God to save the elect. The unwilling chosen sinner will becoming willing by the power of God (John 1:12-13).

The harsh reality one must face is that those who believe that all men sins have been paid for are sadly mistaken. If all sins have been paid then all would believe and everyone would go to heaven.

What this means is that those who will never believe have chosen not to believe and will eternally perish. I must reiterate, none of their sins are forgiven. They are under God’s wrath (John 3:36).

In the final analysis it goes like this, those who refuse to believe and repent PROVE that none of their sins were atoned for.

Those who believe PROVE that all of their sins were atoned for.


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