The Will of God vs The Will of Man

What is the difference between our will and God’s? Man has free will, but due to our sinful nature, our will is imprisoned by wickedness. As a result, our will is also in bondage. Sounds like double talk? It is not. Let me explain. The ability to choose is freedom. But because of our internal corruption, our choices never are totally pure. Man’s will was perfect before the fall of Adam. God’s will on the other hand is autonomous – meaning it is completely pure and free all the time. God is completely sovereign and has a will that is absolute. God’s will is so perfect that we cannot fully comprehend it.                                           

In Isaiah 55:8-9 we read, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways”, says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” When we cannot understand the Lord’s ways, that is the time that we must place our trust in him even more.                                                                                                                     
Also another very important element we must remember is that God’s will always supersede man’s will. We make a terrible mistake when we believe God cannot circumvent and interrupt our will to do what pleases him. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, and as the river of water he turns it whichever way he chooses.” Man’s will is never autonomous – meaning we cannot do whatever we want whenever we want and however we want. Why? Because if we are allowed to do so in our sinful state, murder, rape, theft, etc, would be far worse than it is right now. Man must have law and order, checks and balances. God, on the other hand, does not – he is law and order, checks and balances.                                            

So, how do these two dynamics blend? Well, one thing that is very important to remember is God is never accountable to us. Whatever he chooses to do is never wrong, Even if we do not like or hate the decision(s) he makes. It is unwise (although man does it every day) to put God in a human court and lay charges of injustice against him. God is going to be God whether man likes it or not. Yes, I understand some of the things that God does or allows is often hard to accept, but that is all the more reason to fear reverence, and worship God for who he is not angry with and blaspheme him.                                                               

Want to get to know God’s will better? There is an answer – read the Word of God and get closer to the Lord. Want to know the will of man better? Read God’s word to understand why man is the way he is, and why he is in need of the will of God to lovingly intrude and take over his life. The difference is God is gentle and never violates our will, but we often disobey and violate his will.


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