Slain in the "Spirit?"

What is this practice or phenomenon known as the slain in the spirit? Well, it is when people in the Church supposedly fall out under the power of God when hands are laid on them for physical healing or some other blessing. The biggest advocate of this practice is televangelist Benny Hinn. He is notorious for waving his hands or his coat in front of people and they fall backward under the supposed power of God. 

 See what happens in this video clip:

To say Benny Hinn and those like him are frauds is an understatement. One does not receive the anointing of God by someone waving their hands or coat at you - ridiculous! What we are witnessing is a dog-and-pony show and not the power of God. It is utter blasphemy and shameful that men in pulpits across America would engage in this type of behavior in the name of Jesus.

To be slain in the Spirit is not biblical. It makes the true Church of Jesus Christ look foolish, yet entertaining to the uninitiated. When a Church sorely lacks Biblical exposition, it covers up with chicanery, often an overdose of music, and useless fillers to keep parishioners entertained (i.e. being slain in the Spirit). 

What happened to those who really experienced God's glory and power? 

When Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up, he was awestruck, afraid and ashamed. He said, "Woe is me! For I am lost! I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts" (Isa 6:5)!

Isaiah knew he was in the presence of the Almighty and was humiliated because he knew he was a sinner.

When Daniel saw visions from the Lord he was overcome, sick and retained no strength (Dan 8:27;10:9). The real power of God is often too much for a human to endure. 

When John the Apostle saw Jesus in His glory in the book of Revelation he fell down as if he was dead (Rev 1:17). Jesus told him to "fear not", strengthening him. 

These are only three accounts of the power of God. God's true power can bring one to their knees in worship and fear, but certainly, will not have someone fall out and convulse on the floor. That type of behavior is typical of one that is demon possessed.

What is God's anointing?

The Greek word for anointing is Chrisma. It means one separated by God for a special purpose and service. Jesus who is the Christ means anointed one. Christ is Jesus' title, his function and not his last name. In the OT, the anointing was symbolized by the pouring of olive oil on someone's head - setting them apart for service. This was conferred on the OT priests and kings (Ex 40:13;1 Kings 1:34,39. In the NT, the anointing is symbolized by the indwelling Holy Spirit. (1 John 2:20,27). 

Every Christian is anointed. Why? Because all Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of them. We all have been set apart and made holy by God to serve Him and others. That is why we are here. To have the anointing of God is not a play thing! God has graciously chosen to have his Spirit dwell in us so that we can be a light in this thick sinful dark world we live in. God's anointing is not in anyone's coat that can be thrown around and people fall out supposedly subdued by God's power. This is nonsense. This madness is rehearsed, and you usually see the same suspects performing these antics every week. I know, I have personally witnessed it at churches I attended years ago. 

Concluding, I have no doubt that God's power can be an emotional experience and bring someone to their knees, but what I am against is the foolishness we see on television - often on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN), and other places. If you are attending a Church where this ungodly practice is occurring do yourself a favor and leave that Church immediately. If you remain, you are sacrificing Biblical substance for sensationalism which dishonors God. 


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