Who sins have been forgiven?

It is important I ask the question because there are many in the Church if not most that are convinced that everyone sins have been forgiven by Christ. Is that indeed true? Has Jesus forgiven every last person's sins?

If I could see the faces of everyone that will read this article, I could imagine you looking back at me perplexed saying, "Del are you kidding me? Of course, everyone's sins have been forgiven by Christ!" 

Okay then, we need to test that reasoning against scripture. To me, it is quite simple. If one dies in sin and perishes in hell were their sins forgiven? If one says yes then you believe in a sort of double jeopardy. Meaning that you have Christ paying for sins of the hell-bound, and the lost paying for their own sins. Does that seem logical and fair?

Of course, it is not.

It does not make sense nor is it fair for Christ to die for the sins of those who will eternally perish in hell and pay the penalty for their own sins. Some of you may be gasping in horror by my statement right now and branding me a heretic. It is important that you hear me out so that you understand my reasoning behind my argument. 

To believe that Christ forgave everyone's sins means that he paid the price for them on his cross. This also means he washed their sins away. Now listen and read very carefully: If Christ paid your sin debt in full, that means you cannot go to hell. Why? Because you have no debt to pay so, therefore, you cannot be responsible for your sins anymore - Jesus took care of them. Remember what the Prophet Isaiah declared, "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was placed upon him. By his stripes, we are healed (Isa 53:5). 

The prophet clearly describes the punishment he suffered on our behalf - all those that have put their trust in Christ. So, if everyone in the world sins has been forgiven, then all will go to heaven - there would be no hell. We know that is not true. Most of the world will not believe and will perish in hell.

There is an absolute and necessary condition for one to have their sins forgiven and receive salvation, one must believe! The most well known and celebrated passage in all the Bible tells us that, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son. That whosoever should believe (necessary condition) on him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). 

It is quite elementary, one's sins are only forgiven if they repent and place their faith in the Lord Jesus for the remission of their sins (Heb 9:22). Often times when people are sharing the gospel they will tell someone that Jesus loves them and has forgiven their sins without sharing with them why they need to be forgiven of sin in the first place. How do you know if the person even knows what sin means? 

The person will not appreciate or want the cure unless they realize they are dead in their trespasses and sins and totally cut off from the life of God their creator (Eph 2:1; Col 2:13).  Do not offer the cure until you explain why the person needs the cure - they are spiritually dead and need to be made alive by the power of God's Holy Spirit. This is why Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (i.e. new birth, born from above) - (John 3:3,5-8).

Concluding, those who have the joy of their sins forgiven are those that have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness and the washing away of their sins forever. It is tragic to tell someone Jesus has forgiven their sins when the person has not believed. The burden of their sins still remains with them. The provision is there and the price for all sin has been paid, but only for those who truly believe!!

I said this in the past, and I will repeat myself, Jesus has paid for all of your sins if you are in him, or he has paid for none of them if you are still in sin. The enemies of God do not get the same benefits as the children of God. Remember, all sins ever committed will be paid for, either by Jesus on the cross for the redeemed, or the sinner will pay for their own sins in hell.


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