Is The Church Chasing The World Away From Christ? Part 2

This subject is such a tinderbox. Why? In small part, many in the Church are to blame for the way people think about God and the Church. As I mentioned in the prior article, the way we present Jesus to the world is the way they see Him and all of Christianity.  It is impossible for the unsaved to have a Biblical worldview unless we who are truly in Christ show them the way. You know what that means? We must know what we are talking about.

What one loves is what they will give their time, energy and spend their money on. One will study hard and long with commitment and diligence to learn that subject so that they can graduate, get their degree and become employed in their field of study. An athlete trains long and hard so that he or she can be the best and win that championship ring or that cup. It signifies them being the absolute best in their sport - and everyone knows it.

How much more should we as Christians heed the command of 2 Timothy 2:15 which says to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that does not have to be ashamed; rightly dividing the word of truth.  In other words, we cannot treat our Christian life as a hobby. It has to develop into our all-consuming passion. The more we get of God's truth, the more we should want. The knowledge of God is an everlasting well we can never exhaust.  

You see because we live in a postmodern society and a social-media-universe, everyone has an opinion on everything. Social media has allowed many to show how ignorant they can really be about God, Christianity, and the Bible. We cannot manufacture lies (presented as truth by each person) about what the Bible says.  God meant what He said and said what He meant in His word. The word never needs editing or updates by us.

You see, the world, for the most part, will reject the truth anyhow. Why? Because it goes against the dictates of their corrupt minds. We do not need to help them by being hypocritical. Biblical truth offends the lost so they are always going to militate against it.  Darkness hates the light because it is exposed. And unless the power of God's love overcomes their evil stubborn resistance, no one will ever be regenerated and saved and brought into the kingdom of God (John 3:3).

Also, just so that I am clear, those who ultimately reject the Lord are responsible for that rejection themselves. God will punish the offender. They do not get off the hook because of some vacillating or nominal Christian offended and deceived them somehow by living a double life - in other words, not living up to their profession of faith. 

So a word of encouragement: let us not be the reason people run away from God. We must be beacons of light in a dark and hopeless world of sin and unrighteousness. Let us practice what we preach. It's time we reevaluate our relationship with God and stop being Christians just on Sunday - we need a reboot of sorts. Granted we will never do this perfectly because we are still battling against our sinful flesh that has yet to receive its redemption, but with the help of the Holy Spirit and us being determined to live holy by remaining in the bosom of the Father, we will have a track record of faithfulness in our lives which no one will be able to deny.


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