Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

This is an age old question. I feel it is an appropriate one to ask in light of what the world is dealing with right now with this current worldwide pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19). At the time of this writing in the US there are 50,818 confirmed cases, 333 recoveries and 678 deaths. Globally there  are 414,485 confirmed cases, 108,263 recoveries and 18,576 deaths. These numbers are according to WHO, CDC, CCDC and ECDC.

These are alarming statistics considering we have only known about this pathogen for about 3 months. The question has already been asked countless times, "Why is this happening to us? Are we in the last days?" Perhaps others are asking themselves is this a judgment from God? Fear has gripped the world. Hysteria abounds. Why else would people in a panic fight in the store aisles over toilet paper as if it can somehow save you. I still haven't figured out why people would want to hoard toilet paper. If this was the end of the world which it isn't, what in the world is toilet paper going to do for you? 

Foolish! That is an aside. Back to the matter at hand.

So, why do bad things happen to good people? If one follows that logic, many will conclude God is not fair. He is lumping the good with the bad. The answer to the question is there are no good people!  Jesus said there is no one good but God (Matt 19:17a; Luke 18:19). 

The overarching reason why we are dealing with this pandemic or any evil at all is because of the original act of sin. We must trace this back to the beginning with our first parents Adam and Eve. When they sinned by disobeying God back in the Garden of Eden, God cursed them both and told Adam before they even sinned if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would die (Genesis 2:17).

Well they did and they are dead. And please understand when God pronounced judgment on them, He pronounced it on all of the human race - their descendants (Romans 5:12). That means you and I.

Well that's not fair is it? Why should we have to suffer and die for the sin of someone else? It's Adam and Eve's fault we are in this mess! They are the ones who disobeyed!

Yes. That is all true. But, we do not determine the rules of engagement, God does.

The Bible through Paul the apostle said, "In Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15:22). 

We are all products of our parents. Like begets like. So when Adam sinned, he and Eve inherited a sin nature and became sinners. Since every human being was in his body when he sinned, we inherited that same sinful nature thus making us guilty by association. We have the physical characteristics of our parents, we also have their mental and spiritual faculties as well. God designed us that way. Everyone and everything produces after its own kind. See, we are not islands where we are impervious to each others sinful acts. The greater the influence a person has over other people, the greater the blessing and benefit or the greater cursing and misfortune those under their authority receives (i.e. Presidents, Kings, Prime Ministers, et al). We are not responsible for other people's sins (Ezekiel 18:20), but we may suffer for those sins - in other words we may become collateral damage for the misdeeds of others. 

Be very very careful who you associate with. Bad company corrupts good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Jesus who is called the last Adam in scripture came to save the lost through forgiveness of sins and reverse the original curse. Jesus is the Life-Giving-Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45b). You see, Jesus was also tempted by Satan in the wilderness, but unlike Adam, Jesus obeyed the Father and never fell into sin (Matt 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:3-13). What this means is that God had always planned to save man from his hopeless sinful condition when Adam fell in the garden. God covered their nakedness, shame and guilt by killing and animal as a sin substitute (Genesis 3:21). This was the first act of forgiveness by God for sin.

Here is a better question against the original question, "Why do good things happen to evil people?" All people receive grace everyday. Most people receive the common blessings of the rain and sunshine, food, clothing, money in our pockets, employment, family, a home. A lot of us have more than what we need. So are we going to look at this one pandemic and conclude God is not good? This has not caught God by surprise. For reasons only known to Him, He has allowed it I believe as a ongoing judgment and wake up call against mankind's sins. The numbers do not lie folks! Thousands have died and there could be who knows how many more. It has crippled the world! Everyone is on edge. We are quarantined. Jobs have been lost. Schools are closed. Entire countries on lock down. Public gatherings reduced to 10 and in some places no more than 2 with social distancing. We can only have worship services in our homes via live stream. Thank God for the internet. Instead of those of you who are mad, cursing, and shaking your fists at God, drop to your knees and repent of your sins today, trust Jesus Christ for the salvation of your soul and follow Him with the rest of your life. None of us know if we will be alive after this virus is contained and hopefully killed.

When one is ignorant of why evil happens in our world, they will chalk it up to bad luck, bad karma, putting negative energy in the universe, etc. Many at this time will break their necks to go to Church as well to try to absolve their guilt with the Lord hoping this will be the "quick fix" they need to make their lives normal again.

For the time being dealing with COVID-19 is our new normal. We have no idea how long it will last. That is why we need to be praying constantly for the mercy and power of God to prevail. Understand that none of us are essentially good. For those of us who are in Christ, we are forgiven, clothed in His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). For those that are still in their sins, the wrath of God abides on them which is the greatest curse of all (John 3:36).


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