Examining Deuteronomy 32

Deuteronomy 32 is called the Song Of Moses. This chapter discusses for Israel who God is; Creator and sustainer of the universe. He is the one that provided all their needs and fought all their battles. Because He (The Lord) loved them, He gave them the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey to possess it. Moses describes God's faithfulness against Israel's unfaithfulness. This song recounting Israel's past, present and future according to the time it was written by Moses around 1400 B.C. right before he died. Let's take a look at some passages to see what we can glean from them.

The past and present - Moses begins by commanding the whole earth to listen to his words for they are like rain that waters the earth. Dew upon the grass, and fresh rain drops on the grass (vs 1-2). Moses is commanding all to acknowledge the Lord and give Him praise because all His ways are righteous and true. There is never injustice with God (vs 3-4)! Despite God's faithfulness to His people, they have been unfaithful to Him - serving false gods and thus provoking the Lord to anger and retribution on them for their sins (vs 5-17). 

The future (according to the time of Moses) - Moses declares that foreigners will prevail against Israel and overtake them because of their hatred of the Lord. Anyone who does not faithfully obey the Lord hates Him (John 14:15). As a result, God must judge them severely bringing evil and misfortune against them - teach them harsh lessons for their disobedience. Israel's enemies will become arrogant and believe their own power has defeated Israel. This attitude will provoke the Lord against Israel's enemies. Once God sees that Israel has been humbled because they will have no more strength to rebel or fight, the Lord will fight for them and rescue them from their enemies (vs 18-38).

verse is 39, "See now that I, I am He, and there is no god beside Me. It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, and there is none that can deliver from My hand."

This verse speaks obviously to the omnipotence of God Almighty. God will avenge Himself against all His enemies - those that hate Him. God is indeed a jealous God. For those that defy Him will utterly regret it.

Moses read these words in front of the entire congregation of Israel. He told them to take heed to all these words and teach them to your children. Why? So that later generations will learn to obey the words of the Lord. Moses declared to them that the words he spoke are not idle words, but they are LIFE WORDS (Proverbs 18:21). God is the author life and the words He speaks generate life - life everlasting. This was the song Moses gave to the people for his death. They are a loving warning to the children of Israel and by extension a loving sober warning to all people.

In the final analysis the equation is simple: God is good to us and we have to be good to Him. That is the only way our lives will be fulfilled with blessing. A good life is never free from trouble and heartache, but a life that is in Jesus Christ is the richest most fulfilling life one can have. What can be better to know that the Lord loved you enough to suffer and die in your place for sins and bring you into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13). 


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