The Probation of Adam and Eve

Why couldn't Adam and Eve eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

God was establishing law and order for the human race. Although they were full grown, they had to develop mentally. It was important that God placed boundaries on them. To command them not to eat was a necessary prohibition. God placed them on probation - to test them to see if they would obey His command. 
God was sending a message to them that they could not do anything they wanted to do - they had a higher authority they were accountable to. 

The serpent comes and talks with Eve. He questions God's word to her so as to create doubt. Secondly, he lies to Eve - telling her that she would not surely die if she partook of the fruit (Gen 3:9). They would be like God knowing good and evil (Gen 3:5). Adam and Eve were made perfect without sin, yet they were temptable. When both of them ate the forbidden fruit, the Bible says their eyes were opened and they knew they were naked. It was at this point that mankind was first aware of what evil was. The result? They hid themselves because of their guilt and shame. They sewed fig leaves to cover themselves. Man was no longer innocent - he became a sinner.

Who were they hiding from?

It had to be God for there was no one else there in the garden. The act of sewing fig leaves to attempt to cover and hide their shame was insufficient. I'm certain in their minds that now they felt they had sufficiently covered their nakedness, all was well. Their nakedness was not the problem, their disobedience to God's command was the problem. When one obeys the Lord, sin is not a problem. We do not deny it's existence and power, but as the scripture say when we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Gal 5:16).

As God was walking in the cool of the day He asked Adam, “Where are you?” The Lord did not ask Adam’s whereabouts because He didn’t know. He was commanding Adam to reply to Him. Adam replied,”I heard the sound of you in the garden I was afraid because I was naked so I hid myself” (Gen 3:8-10). See what happens when we disobey? Shame sets in, then fear. That is why they tried to hide themselves from the presence of the Lord. 

Adam and Eve failed their probation miserably. The result of their sin brought about the fall of the human race. They heeded the devil’s word over God’s. They accepted a lie instead of the truth. Any wonder why it is man’s nature to run from God? We do not want to deal with the guilt and shame of having to face Him. Many people try to “rid” themselves of their guilt (they think) by denying the existence of God altogether. This way in their mind, they have absolved themselves of guilt. That is nothing but denial. Telling oneself that God does not exist does not deny His existence. 

Our fidelity to God is put to the test when there are options to rebel against Him. The Lord knew that evil lurked in the garden with the devil taking on the form of a serpent. Why did He allow the tempter to come, and why didn't God warn them ahead of time? God needed to test them for them to see if they loved Him with all their heart soul mind and strength. Sadly, they failed their first test of obeying God and resisting evil. 

The Bible tells us in 1 Tim 2:13 the Eve was deceived but Adam was not. He willfully disobeyed God. There should be no wonder where are rebellious spirit comes from - our first father. 

in the final analysis, Adam and Eve's actions toward God set the tone for how mankind would behave thereafter. Man's systemic wickedness to this day is the result of the original disobedience way back in paradise. Man has been sinning so long now that He loves it and is no longer ashamed of it (John 3:19). God being the loving Father He is planned our rescue by sending the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver us from the wrath to come (1 Thess 1:10).


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