So, Are You Homophobic? A Clarion Call To Reason
A definition of homophobic is one who has a dislike or fear
of homosexuals. For years I have pondered why the homosexual lifestyle bothers
and irritates me so much. As a man, it makes absolutely no sense for men to
desire other men sexually-not when there are so many beautiful eligible women
who are ready to give their love to a worthwhile man, the right way. I’m utterly
disgusted by this fact. It is also deplorable for women to pine after one
another. It never ceases to amaze me how low mankind has degenerated morally. Even
the animal kingdom has sense enough to mate with the opposite sex. In Leviticus
18:22 it commands us that we are not to have same sex relationships. Many will
argue that homosexuality is only mentioned in the Old Testament and not the New.
I even recently saw someone say online that Jesus never talked about or
condemned homosexuality. Both views are wrong. Jesus never mentioned the word
directly, but Jesus clearly advocated for marriage between men and women only. In
Matthew 19:4 Jesus said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the
beginning made them male and female…” Clearly Jesus believed, supported,
and defended the word of God which means He
condemned all sin. That would include homosexuality. Why in the world did He
come to die in the first place? To save people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).
It is absolutely ridiculous for anyone to insinuate because Jesus is never
recorded saying homosexuality is a sin that He might have condoned it. In 1
Corinthians 6:9 says that those who engage in homosexuality will not inherit
the kingdom of God. So, homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well
as the Old. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because the
men there were homosexuals and wanted to have sex with men who came to Lot’s
house who happened to be angels (Genesis 19).
In Romans 1:18-32 the writer Paul by inspiration of the Holy
Spirit condemns those who reject the truth of God’s word. In these verses he
condemns same sex relationships. It reads, “Because they exchanged the truth of
God for a lie, and worshiped the creature rather than the Creator, who is
blessed forever! Amen. For this reason, God gave them over to degrading and
vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which
is unnatural, and in the same way also the men turned away from the
natural function of the women and were consumed with their desire toward one
another. Men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their
own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing” (Romans
1:26-27; Amplified Version).
Around 30 plus years ago people were “in-the-closet"
regarding their sexual deviancy. That is no longer the case. The LGBTQIA+ community
and its many supporters celebrate this homosexual revolution. Every June there
is Gay Pride Month where there is a parade locally in Long Beach California and
cities across the nation.
So, are those of us who do not support same sex unions homophobic?
By today’s societal standards absolutely. After all, God made them that way right? If that is the case, that gets them off the hook for how they are
behaving. Just blame God for their gender confusion and correct the mistake(s)
God made when He created them.
Please understand the views I express in this article are
mine alone. I am not looking for anyone to co-sign on how I feel about the
matter. As a Christian I am supposed to hate what God hates and loves what He
loves. Neither I nor any believer will ever do this perfectly. Does God love
homosexuals and lesbians? Yes. Does He hate what they stand for? Yes. What is
the big deal if two consenting adults of the same sex want to love and commit
to one another? That is their business, right? Yes, it is.
The problem I see is they are making it everybody’s
business whether we like it or not. You can rarely see a television program or
commercial without some homosexual/lesbian content – men marrying one another.
Women marrying one another. Two men kissing on a HIV commercial. One of the
most recent episodes of the NBC show called New Amsterdam had a homosexual male
married couple in bed together in a passionate love scene. I had to turn away.
Why the proliferation of same sex filth? My guess is that if
we are bombarded with these images enough, we will get desensitized to it and
accept it as normal. For many, this is the new and accepted normal. That which
was once taboo has become a virtue in the eyes of many – sadly many in the
Church have fallen under the homosexual spell of "love" too.
We are in the last of the last days.
Would You Attend a Same Sex Wedding?
Two good friends and former co-workers of mine and I had a
brief conversation via text regarding this matter. If I was invited to a same
sex ceremony, I would lovingly and respectfully decline. If asked the reason
why, my reply would be God created marriage between Men and Women for mutual
sexual fulfillment and for the bearing of children. Marriages of the same sex
dishonors God and His created order. Would my response be considered unloving
and homophobic? In the eyes of many it would be. Why? In a perverted society
that is blind to the truth, righteousness is unpopular and despised. People
that think like me are ostracized and hated for speaking the truth in love. We
must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).
What If the Person is a Family Member?
If I had a family member perhaps a cousin an uncle or even a
child of mine were getting married to their same sex partner I would not
attend. This makes the truth even heavier to deliver but necessary because you
love that person too much let them go down a destructive path without warning
them. Your commitment to Christ may cause a rift between you and your wayward
family member or friend. Remember you are representing the light and they are
representing darkness so expect them to not understand your convictions. Tell
them that you love them, but you cannot support their lifestyle. You run the
risk of them never speaking to you again. Are you ready for that? How committed
are you to the Lord?
Where Do We Go from Here?
Homosexuality is gross sin. So is drunkenness, fornication,
lying, adultery, theft, drug abuse, prostitution, pedophilia, gossip, etc. Why
am I singling out same sex sin though? All the other sins mentioned are natural
sins. Homosexuality is the only sin in the Bible other than bestiality that is unnatural
sexual sin (Romans 1:18-32). It is against nature for men and women
to be Sodomites. Sexual Intimacy between a husband and wife is the most
beautiful and purest union on earth. God made no mistakes when He created the
man and woman in the beginning for each other. Why does man have to pervert
everything good thing God has created? It is a shame. Things are so bad now
that many people do not even want to be regarded as male or female. Many want
to be gender fluid, or they prefer to be pronoun identified as: we, us, they, them
or those. Others say they are transgender like Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn
Jenner) and Chaz Bono (formerly Chasity Bono).
As believers what should be our response? We need to show
compassion. We must NOT Bible-Thump people! Don’t fire and brimstone and, damn
them to hell for the way they are living. God can save anyone if they desire to
repent. The same compassion God has shown us in forgiving our sins, we need to show
others that are trapped in sin. While we cannot condone the behavior, we have
to love and pray for them. All people no matter how vile they are living are
made in God’s image (James 3:9). I imagine many of them are very confused about
their sexual identity and perhaps may be experimenting with the same sex
lifestyle. Many have decided to live their lives in rebellion and “love”
whomever they want regardless of gender – bisexuality.
Keeping it real, homosexuality at its roots is satanic just
like all sin is. We are all tempted in many ways, but we have the power to
resist. Those that are practicing homosexuals are not tempted anymore because
they have given in to their evil desires.
Why do we sin?
gives man pleasure. Jesus said men love darkness (a euphemism for sin) rather
than light because his deeds are evil (John 3:19).
does not fear God (Romans 3:18). For most people, God’s holiness is nonexistent.
Man does not care what God thinks. When one does not submit to the rule of God,
they become a god to themselves. As a result, man thinks, does and says
whatever he wants and dares anyone even God Almighty to hold him accountable.
Since no one is perfect those that practice sinful
behavior will always say, “Don’t judge me!” When one is sinning all the time, sin
does not seem sinful anymore, to them. The world is trying their best to
normalize homosexuality. In the eyes of many, it is already.
I for one am not homophobic. As a man of God, it defies all
logic for men and women to go after strange flesh – unnatural. I also realize
that no one wants anyone else to judge them for their lifestyle, no matter how scandalous
it is. That is never going to happen as long as there are those of us who
are boldly standing for truth. Truth will always expose evil which brings about
conflict between the two forces. When Biblical truth prevails over wickedness,
then those in this damnable lifestyle will be granted repentance so that God’s
love in Jesus Christ can convert the soul and they abandon their sin to live a
life pleasing to God.
Lastly, here’s a radical thought; if everyone decided to
become homosexual the human race would become extinct. I’ll give you two
reasons. 1) God has the right to destroy us all for the sin. 2) This one
is biological, since same sex couples cannot reproduce, overtime we would cease
to exist.
God had it right the first time. I wish man would stop trying
to be His editor.