What does the (X) in X-MAS mean?

Until a day ago I had no idea with the (X) meant. Some perhaps many believed the (X) was a way of crossing Christ out of the word Christmas. That is what I believed. Others may have assumed the (X) was inserted as a way to signify the unknown as it is used in mathematics. I discovered neither are true. The Greek word for Christ is the English transliterated word Christos. It is derived from Hebrew word מָשִׁיחַ Mašíaḥ where we get the transliterated English word Messiah. Both Messiah and Christ means anointed or in Jesus’ case The Anointed One. The spelling of the word Christ in Greek is χριστού.

The (X) in the Greek alphabet is the letter Chi (pronounced kie). The (X) in X-mas serves a shorthand abbreviation for the Greek name Christ.

If you ever see this Christogram called a Chi Rho, it is the integration of the first two Greek letters of Christ’s name – (X) for Chi and the (P) for Rho:

So, we can be rest assured the (X) in X-Mas does not show disdain or is no way eliminating Christ from Christmas. It is simply a shorthand version of it.

One more thing I learned is that Christmas comes from two words: Christ-Mass which means Christ coming, or Christ is coming. We should celebrate Christmas everyday! Why? Because everyday we should be looking for the return of our Lord (Luke 21:25-28)

Come Lord Jesus!

Amen (Revelation 22:20-21).



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