What Is The Seeker Sensitive Church?

 Seeker sensitive Churches basis is emotional more than doctrinal. They base their faith heavily on experience. Those that lead these types of Churches will use an entertainment atmosphere - light shows, hype music to draw in the unchurched. The target audience are young people. From what I have seen online, seeker sensitive centers are often large Mega Churches with plenty of money. The preacher’s message is non-offensive. He / she rarely discusses the need for repenting of sin for that is negative. Rather, it often is a “positive” message about living your best life now. It’s about positive affirmations and “good vibrations.”

Seeker centers are primarily based on two factors: the speaker and the audience, not on God. It focuses on the speaker because they’re often very loud, demonstrative and charismatic. Their presence is so powerful it can be hypnotic. Secondly, these centers focus on the parishioner because they react to the heretical message being delivered. They respond by shouting Amen, jumping up and down and running around the sanctuary. Jesus’ name is mentioned, but it’s not the Jesus of the Bible. One individual even had the gall to say that Jesus was a stripper because He died naked on the cross! Go search it out on YouTube. 

The thought process of these types of churches [(and I use the word church(es) loosely] is like this: cater the church service to the sinner and not the Christian. Use secular music so the sinner is comfortable when they enter the building. Churches are to be kind to all people, but that does not mean the gospel should be abandoned to conform to the world. Those that are in God’s house must hear God’s truth. The music must be worshipful to God not to man. Everything the world is used to doing outside of the Church should never be in the Church. The two must remain separate.

No one in the Church needs a motivational message about their goals and dreams. We need the word of God so that we can be reinvigorated with strength so that we can continue to fight the good fight of faith (2 Timothy 4:7-8). We need the word of God so that we can combat falsehood and earnestly contend for the faith (1 Peter 3:15). Those are the best feel good messages one can receive; to know that you are in the will of God (Ephesians 5:17).

When one seeks God and His righteousness, everything in our lives falls in order  (Matthew 6:33).

What must the unsaved hear when they enter God’s house?

Jesus started His public ministry by commanding everyone to repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 4:17). Jesus went right to the heart of man’s problem, his sinful nature. Why did He do this? Because He was preaching the good news, the gospel. The goal of the faithful Pastor is to persuade the sinner why he or she needs to be saved. We do all we can do in the natural to compel people why they must repent, and leave it up to God to convert the soul through the dynamic power of the word of God (Psalm 19:7). It amazes me the power that so many Pastors have (i.e. the word of God), yet they fail to use it all because they want the unchurched to receive their watered down powerless message. The weak Pastor to me is the greatest enemy of the unsaved when they teach a user-friendly message. Why? They have disguised themselves as a sheep when they’re a wolf. The role of the Pastor is to warn the unsaved by telling them of pending eternal destruction and hell if they refuse to repent. Despite what many believe, preaching a message about avoiding hell is not hateful, it is loving if taught with the understanding you have a burden for that person’s soul. (Ephesians 4:15).

When Paul was before King Herod Agrippa and shared his testimony about his conversion to Jesus, he was so compelling that Herod said, “You almost persuaded me to become a Christian” (Acts 26:28). These are the types of penetrating messages that must be preached. Same thing happened when Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. In verse 37 it says they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren what shall we do?” 

Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call” (Acts 2:37-39). In verse 40b Peter said, “Be saved from this perverse generation.”

 It is like Peter is speaking these words today although he spoke them 2000 years ago. We too must be saved from this perverse generation. This is the message that everyone must hear-the message that pricks men’s heart so that they can repent and be saved so they do not eternally perish. The seeker friendly message does nothing but brings the world into the church, makes them comfortable in their sin instead of uncomfortable because God has been de-fanged of His power, and everyone's ears are tickled due to a toxic candyland message.

Shame on those who teach a different gospel other than what Jesus, the apostles and the men and women have preached throughout church history. The judgment for those who preach a false gospel will eternally regret it (Galatians 1:8).


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